MINELRES: Mercator Network - Newsletter n.25, June 2006

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Sat Jul 15 10:14:02 2006

Original sender: Mercator <secretaria@ciemen.org>

Mercator Newsletter - n.23, April 2006 

Mercator-Education (ME)
Mercator-Legislation (ML)
Mercator-Media (MM)

>From January 2005 the Mercator Common Newsletter is a monthly
newsletter. This way you will be kept informed with more recent and
updated information.

- Legislation News 
- Media News 
- Education News

V Mercator International Symposium: "Linguistics Rights as a Matter of
Social Inclusion"
Barcelona (Catalonia)
19-21 October
Mercator Legislation - ML

Mercator Education - ME
- Allready 200 Experts subscribed the Database of Experts!

Mercator Media - MM / Mercator Education - ME
- 10,000 march in Rennes for Breton language rights, greater regional
powers and reunification - MM 
- Liet-Lavlut song contest set to showcase new songs in Manx, Votian,
Romani and Meankieli - MM> 
- New titles Mercator-Education Library - ME 

V Mercator International Symposium: "Linguistics Rights as a Matter of
Social Inclusion" 
Mercator Legislation - ML
June 2006 - The V Mercator International Symposium organised this year
by the Legislation and Language Rights center will be held on 19, 20 and
21 October 2006 in Barcelona (Catalonia) and will be entitled
"Linguistics Rights as a Matter of Social Inclusion". 

The organisers have designed de symposium on the premise that Europe has
always been a multilingual land and that this fact has been accentuated
in recent decades by the steady arrival and settlement on the continent
by non-Europeans who have brought their languages with them. Therefore,
current linguistic reality in Europe is richer and more complex than
ever. In accordance with the Mercator network principles, this
complexity musn�t necessarily be a problem. On the contrary, the
languages spoken in the European Union today are one of the keys to
making possible the "union in diversity" of all citizens, groups,
communities, and peoples that live together in Europe. 

To encourage such harmony, the Symposium will reflect on which kind of
multilingualism should the European Union put into practice now and in
the future. The question will be raised on how the linguistic rights of
immigrants and of receiving communities can be regulated and guaranteed
and, more specifically, how the exercise of these rights could stimulate
the social inclusion of newcomers who settle among minoritized
linguistic communities that share their space with majority or dominant
languages. The V Mercator International Symposium will critically
analyse the issues under consideration and will also present a series of
practice cases for balancing individual rights and the collective rights
of speakers of the languages of immigration and the speakers of
minoritized languages within the European Union. 

Registration closes 9 October 2006 and will be on a 'first come first
served' basis. 

Details at: secretaria@ciemen.org

Check http://www.mercator-central.org for further information

News June 2006 (links to the Mercator websites) 

Legislation news - ML

The European Parliament allows the written communication of citizens in
Basque, Catalan and Galician (Avui / Vilaweb) 

The Courts of Aragon approve the reform of the Statute that avoids the
protection of Argonese and Catalan languages 

Welsh Government calls for use of Welsh in Europe (Eurolang) 

The Catalan Euro Mp, Bernat Joan, calls for a European Language Policy
wich does not discrimiate non-official languages of the Union 

The Government of Sardinia will invest 700,000 Eur on Sardinian language
training courses 

Media news - MM
Welsh language daily newspaper Y Byd takes another step forward 

Local Radio in Breton for the people of Tregor-Goelo? 

Welsh Language Board facilitate switch to bilingual computing 

Education news - ME
Subsidy for Frisian e-learning 

Projects - ME 

Allready 200 Experts subscribed the Database of Experts! 
Mercator-Education is still in search of more Experts. In December 2005
Mercator-Education started the �Database of Experts�. This database
creates an easy and quick access to all expertise in the field of
European minority languages and it facilitates contacts and co-operation
amongst colleagues in this domain. In the mean time more than 200
experts in the field of European minority languages, bilingualism and
multilingualism, education and language policy subscribed. 


10,000 march in Rennes for Breton language rights, greater regional
powers and reunification - MM  

Around 10,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Rennes,
Brittany on Saturday calling for Breton language rights, greater powers
for the region, and reunification with Loire-Atlantique. 

The demonstration, organised by the Breton Cultural Council, was led
through the streets by a cross party group of Breton politicians
including autonomists, Greens and Socialists behind a banner "Lakaomp
hor sevenadur da vleunian e Breizh/ Vivre et decider notre culture en
Bretagne". They were joined by the Breton-medium bilingual schools
organisations, Diwan, Dihun and Diw Yezh, the NGO for reunification,
Bretagne Reunie�CUAB, as well as representatives from Occitania. 

Liet-Lavlut song contest set to showcase new songs in Manx, Votian,
Romani and Meankieli - MM 

This year's edition of the minority language song contest Liet-Lavlut in
Ostersund, Sweden, will present eleven new songs in European lesser-used

Five of those eleven are songs in languages which have never
participated in the song contest before. These languages are: Meankieli,
Romani, Manx, Votian and Swedish Finnish. The jury of Liet-Lavlut chose
the eleven finalists out of more than 60 entries in 25 languages. 
New titles Mercator-Education Library 

- Beyond Sovereignty: From status law to transnational citizenship? /
ed. in chief: Osamu Ieda. � Sapporo : Hokkaido University; Slavic
Research Center, 2006. � 412 p. � isbn 4938637383. � Slavic Eurasian
Studies; no. 9) 

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