MINELRES: UNITED campaign 'Stop Fascism'
Sat Jul 15 10:19:33 2006
Original sender: UNITED <donotreply@unitedagainstracism.org>
UNITED E-NEWS 08/07/06-A: UNITED campaign 'Stop Fascism'
JOIN! - the campaign
ORDER! - posters for free (order form below)
INFORM! - us about your activity (reaction form below)
UNITED for Intercultural Action provides you with attractive campaign
material like posters, postcards and stickers free of charge and
produces a 'European List of Activities'. Below you can find an e-mail
form to inform UNITED about your activities and to order free material
to help your activity to become a success!
**Stop Fascism!**
Around November 9th 2006 the UNITED network organises a European-wide
campaign to commemorate the �Kristallnacht� pogrom in 1938, which is
usually seen as the symbolic beginning of the Holocaust. We also
campaign against fascism and antisemitism to raise historical
consciousness, to make the public aware of the dangers and consequences
of prejudices, hatred, scapegoating, ignorance and intolerance in our
contemporary world and to build a better future of tolerance and
respect. Fascism is not a local issue, nor it is confined within the
past. The fight against fascism in all its forms is still a path to be
walked by engaged NGO�s activists, youngsters and adults together. Join
the campaign and stop fascism!
**Let us campaign together!**
UNITED links various activities and highlights the issues of fascism and
antisemitism on a European level. UNITED for Intercultural Action is the
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of
migrants and refugees. Linked through UNITED, more than 550
organisations and youth organisations work together on a voluntary
For more campaign information:
www.unitedagainstracism.org (under 'campaigns').
**'European List of Activities'**
To make sure your activity is included in the 'European List of
Activities', documenting all the different activities during the
campaign and the strength of the antifascism movement, send any
information to UNITED, either by fax (+31-20-6834582) or e-mail
(info@unitedagainstracism.org). The list is regularly updated on
**Reaction form**
RETURN! this form to: info@unitedagainstracism.org
YES, our organisation wants to join the campaign around 9 November.
type of activity:
web site:
Are you aware of other activities organised in your country?
Please be as concrete as possible: date, type, themes, location, contact
**Order form**
RETURN! this form to: info@unitedagainstracism.org
Order campaign material for free! UNITED can send up to 2 kilos campaign
of material free of charge, please calculate how many copies you want.
For more than 2 kilos we ask for contribution towards the mailing costs
but if you need more free material for special purposes don't hesitate
to contact us.
POSTERS (see www.unitedagainstracism.org under campaigns)
Quantity (16 gram /copy)
......... (max. 75) 'Resistance - Who if Not Us? When if Not Now?
Where if Not Here?
guidelines on how to join the UNITED campaign, background information
......... (max. 25) 'Blow Fascism Away!'
Backside: information on November 9 campaign 2005
......... (max. 25) 'Hope Not Fear'
Backside: information on November 9 campaign 2004
POSTCARDS AND STICKERS (see www.unitedagainstracism.org under campaigns
for images)
[ ] Yes we want to receive campaign postcards *
[ ] Yes we want to receive campaign stickers *
(* please tick)
Quantity (26 gram/copy)
........ (max. 10) 'Campaign Report 2005'
An overview of activities during the �International Day Against Fascism
and Antisemitism� 2005, which took place in 41 European countries
Quantity (10 gram/copy)
........ (max. 5) Get Active! The "How to Organise an Activity?"
Material to be sent to:
name organisation:
contact person:
address organisation:
postal Code:
mobile phone:
We will start to send the material in August; you will get the material
in time, of course!
We depend on YOUR help in 2006!
UNITED is not rich and has no stable income!
Though far most of the work at the UNITED secretariat is done voluntary
- still money is needed to keep the network functioning in 2006 and to
secure the cooperation and information flow throughout Europe.
Your donation is most welcome:
- in cash to UNITED Postbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam
- by bank (preferable) to:
UNITED, Postbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam
Account: IBAN NL77PSTB0002343715, BIC: PSTB NL2A - Bank: Postbank,
Postbus 1800, NL-1000 BV Amsterdam
(From NL: postbank 2343715)
UNITED is the pan-European network against nationalism, racism, fascism
and in support of migrants and refugees, supported by over 560
organisations in 46 European countries.
How to join the network: see http://www.unitedagainstracism.org 'joining
the network'
UNITED E-NEWS is an irregular email service to over 6300 organisations
and contact persons active in the working fields: anti-racism, refugee
support, anti-fascism, against antisemitism, migration, minority issues,
intercultural youth work, against nationalism etc.
Regular postal mailings, containing publications such as Addressbook
Against Racism, Calendar of Internationalism, Campaign reports, Posters
etc. are sent to over 2200 European organisations. If you also would
like to receive this mailing: see http://www.unitedagainstracism.org
'joining the network'
UNITED for Intercultural Action
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of
migrants and refugees
Postbus 413 - NL 1000 AK Amsterdam - phone +31-20-6834778 - fax
+31-20-6834582 - info@unitedagainstracism.org -
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