Fwd: SEEMO Announces Media Award for Better Understanding

MINELRES moderator minelres@mailbox.riga.lv
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 19:02:59 +0300

From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>

Original sender: Petra Kovacs <multiethnic-owner@yahoogroups.com>

Fwd: SEEMO Announces Media Award for Better Understanding

SEEMO Press Release

Vienna, 25 September 2001

SEEMO Announces Media Award for Better Understanding 

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) is pleased to
announce the SEEMO Award for Better Understanding. 

Sponsored by the City of Vienna, the 2.000- EUR award will be given to
a journalist, editor or media executive in South East Europe, who,
through the media, has promoted a climate of better understanding
among peoples and worked toward ending minority problems, ethnic
divisions, racism, xenophobia, etc. 


If you know of any person who would be a worthy recipient of the SEEMO
Award for Better Understanding, please contact SEEMO at: 

South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)
SEEMO-IPI, Spiegelgasse 2/29
A-1010 Vienna
Tel:  + 43 1 513 39 40, Fax: + 43 1 512 90 15
E-mail: seemo@freemedia.at

The deadline for applications for the SEEMO Award for Better
Understanding is: 1 February 2002.

SEEMO is a regional network of  editors, media executives and leading
journalists from newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, internet, new media
and news agencies in the South Eastern European Region. The network
draws on a membership from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia,
Bulgaria, Croatia, FR Yugoslavia (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo/Kosova),
Greece, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova and Romania.

MINELRES - a forum for discussion on minorities in Central&Eastern

Submissions: minelres-l@riga.lv  
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