ECMI Newsletter No. 7
MINELRES moderator
Thu, 27 Sep 2001 13:27:18 +0300
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Original sender: William McKinney <>
Subject: ECMI Newsletter No. 7
ECMI Newsletter No. 7,
September 2001
Dear Subscriber,
Welcome to the seventh issue of the ECMI Newsletter, and thank you for
your interest.
1. Activities
2. Upcoming ECMI Conferences
3. New ECMI Publications
4. Relaunch of ECMI website
1. Activities
ECMI Panel at the ASN Convention, "Recent Challenges to Power-Sharing
Theory," New York, USA. Chair: Dr Priit Jaerve, Senior Analyst,
European Centre for Minority Issues. April 5.
ECMI Expert Seminar "Ethnopolitical Conflict in Europe" with Professor
Ted Gurr, Distinguished Professor, Department of Government &
Politics, University of Maryland and Director, Minorities at Risk
Project, Center for International Development and Conflict Management.
April 27.
ECMI Lecture by Marc Weller "Working for Peace on the Flensburg
Foerde: New Developments at the ECMI". May 4.
ECMI Expert Seminar "Minority Issues: The Northern Dimension" with
Professor Lauri Hannikainen from The Northern Institute for
Environmental and Minority Law, University of Lapland. May 23.
ECMI Standing Technical Working Group Meeting "Health", Pristina,
Kosovo/a. May 26.
ECMI Workshop "Multiculturalism, Minority Education and Indicators of
Integration" as in Estonia, as part of the project "Accession to the
EU and National Integration in Estonia and Latvia" (in cooperation
with the Institute for International and Social Studies, Tallinn,
Estonia). June 1-3.
ECMI Workshop "Language Policy in Urban Environment" in Latvia, as
part of the project "Accession to the EU and National Integration in
Estonia and Latvia". June 8-10.
ECMI Expert Workshop on "Forced Migrants in the Kaliningrad Region",
ECMI Flensburg. June 22-24.
ECMI Third Standing Technical Working Group Meeting, "Human Rights and
Equal Access to Judicial Services, Pristina, Kosovo/a. June 30.
ECMI "NGO Roundtable on Inter-Ethnic Relations in FYR Macedonia,
Second Meeting, Struga, Macedonia. This is the second meeting of the
NGO Roundtable established in Flensburg, Germany in December 2000.
This project is supported by the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (Secretariat for Peace and Stability/FRESTA Fund) and the
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. June 30-July 2.
ECMI Kosovo Standing Technical Working Group, Training Seminar on
'Judicial Systems and Human Rights', Flensburg. July 12-15. This
training seminar was kindly supported and funded by the Westminster
Foundation for Democracy.
ECMI Project "Power-Sharing in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Strengthening
Implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords and Lessons for Conflict
Management", Sarajevo. July 14-16.
ECMI Seminar "Model of Ethnic Democracy" by Professor Sammy Smooha,
Professor of Sociology, University of Haifa, Israel, ECMI Visiting
Fellow, Flensburg, August 7.
ECMI Kosovo Standing Technical Working Group, Training Seminar on
"Health Systems Policy in war-torn Societies", in cooperation with
WHO, Geneva, 26-30 August.
First Meeting of German and Danish Border Associations, initiated by
Ms Renate Schnack, Schleswig Holstein Commissioner for Minority
Affairs of the Minister President, Flensburg, 28 August.
ECMI Panels for the 4th Pan-European International Relations
conference "International Law: Managing Ethno-political Conflict in
Europe through a New Multi-Layered Legal Regime", Universit of Kent at
Canterbury, England. In a series of three panels speakers will
consider the increasing intrusion of international legal rules and
mechanisms on the 'sovereign' state. September 6-10.
2. Upcoming ECMI Conferences and Activities
Launch of the ECMI "NGO Network on Inter-Ethnic Relations in FYR
Macedonia", Skopje, Macedonia.
ECMI Fourth Standing Technical Working Group Meeting "General Review",
Pristina Kosovo/a, September 29.
Second ECMI Carnegie Workshop, in collaboration with the University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, October 12-14.
ECMI Conference "Implementation of Minority Rights
Standards-Ethnopolitical Conflict Management in Europe" in
collaboration with the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN)
and the European Academy Sankelmark. December 1-3.
3. New ECMI Publications
Please remember that all ECMI publications can be ordered and/or
downloaded from the ECMI website at:
ECMI Report #9
Weller, Marc:
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group, First Meeting, Prishtina,
Kosovo, 16 to 18 March 2001.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, March 2001, 26 pp.,
ECMI Report #10
Poleshchuk, Vadim:
Multiculturalism, Minority Education and Language Policy, ECMI
Workshops 'Multiculturalism and Minority Education' 1-3 June 2001,
Narva-Joesuu, Estonia and 'Language Policy in Urban Environment' 8-10
June 2001, Liepaja, Latvia.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, August 2001, 20 pp.
ECMI Report #11
Skarzinskaite, Aiste:
Migration and Forced Migration in the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia,
Roundtable Meeting,
Flensburg, June 22-23, 2001. Flensburg: European Centre for Minority
Issues, August 2001, 27 pp., appendix.
ECMI Report #12
Weller, Marc, Florian Bieber and Eva Maria Christiansen:
Power-Sharing in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Strengthening Implementation
of the Dayton Peace Accords, Initial Workshop Sarajevo, 13-15 July
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, August 2001, 27 pp.,
ECMI Report #13
Verma, Sunoor and Farimah Daftary:
ECMI NGO Roundtable on Inter-Ethnic Relations in the FYR of Macedonia,
Second Meeting, Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia, 30 June - 2 July 2001.
European Centre for Minority Issues, August 2001, 38 pp., appendix.
ECMI Report #14
Holliday, Graham:
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group, Second Meeting: Health
Sector Reform and Reconstruction, UN Government Building, Pristina, 26
May 2001.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, August 2001, 41 pp.,
ECMI Report #15
Holliday, Graham:
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group, Third Meeting:
Administration of the Judiciary, UN Government Building, Pristina, 30
June 2001.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, August 2001, 48 pp.,
ECMI Report #16
Holliday, Graham:
Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group, Training Workshop:
Administration of the Judiciary & Human Rights, Flensburg, 12 - 15
July 2001.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, August 2001, 20 pp.,
ECMI Report #17
Holliday, Graham: Kosovo/a Standing Technical Working Group,
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, 86 pp., appendix.
ECMI Working Paper #11
Koenig, Matthias: The Situation of Minorities in the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia. Towards an implementation of the Framework Convention
for the Protection of National Minorities.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, June 2001, 64 pp.,
ECMI Working Paper #12
Farbstein, Susan Hannah: The Effectiveness of Jurisdiction by the
International Criminal Court: The Issue of Complementarity.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, August 2001, 81 pp.
ECMI Brief #3
Jaerve, Priit: Communists of Moldova and the Future of the Country's
Ethno-Political Conflicts.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, March 2001, 4 pp.
ECMI Brief #4
Daftary, Farimah: Testing Macedonia.
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, May 2001, 10 pp.
ECMI Brief #5
Bieber, Florian: Croat Self-Government in Bosnia-A Challenge for
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, May 2001, 9 pp.
ECMI Brief #6
Sabanadze, Natalie: Armenian Minority in Georgia: Defusing Interethnic
Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues, August 2001, 7 pp.
4. Relaunch of ECMI website
The ECMI website at has now been relaunched in
order to make it easier for users to find what they are searching for.
We invite you to browse the site and send us your comments on how the
site can be improved even more.
We hope you enjoyed this seventh issue of the ECMI Newsletter, and we
hope that you will remember to tell interested colleagues about it.
If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement of this
newsletter, please kindly contact Wes McKinney at:
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