Macedonian Institute for Media conference announcement
MINELRES moderator
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 18:51:24 +0300
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Original sender: Zaneta Trajkoska <>
Subject: Macedonian Institute for Media conference announcement
Dear all,
Please find announcement re. last activity of the Macedonian Institute
for Media.
If you have any additional questions or comments, please do not
hesitate to contact me or MIM staff.
Zaneta Trajkoska
Managing Director
Macedonian Institute for Media
St:"Naum Naumovski-Borce 88a 1000 Skopje"
Tel: 02 132 220 Faks: 290 483
Skopje, September 29, 2001
Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to inform you on the most recent activities
realized by the Macedonian Institute for Media, in cooperation with
the European Centre of the Freedom Forum - London and IREX ProMedia -
Macedonia, and organized in the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Skopje.
� On September 13th, an exhibit of the distinguished photo-journalist
Ron Haviv, titled as "Honey and Blood" was formally opened. The
exhibit was composed of about 60 photos describing the wars in former
Yugoslav countries, including the conflict in Macedonia.
The photos describe the horror of the wars that took place in this
region and deliver a strong recommendation to what the use of weapons
and violence lead to.
The author of the photos, Mr. Haviv, is 35-year old American who
graduated journalism at the University of New York, and the
photography grew from a hobby to profession for him. In the past 10
years, he witnessed the most dramatic armed clashes throughout the
globe, and for his remarkable work he won the most prestigious awards
for photography.
Today, Ron Haviv works as a photographer by agreement for the
Newsweek magazine and he continues to travel and take photos from the
regions of crisis in the world.
� On September 14th we organized a conference titled as: "Media and
the conflict in Macedonia," attended by journalists, researchers and
guests from Macedonia, the region and the western countries.
The conference was divided on three panel-discussions:
- "Are the media in Macedonia reporting differently on the same event
and why." This was the title of the first panel-discussion, where
Klime Babunski - communicologist, presented a case-study presenting
two events which illustrate the different manner of reporting on the
same event by the Macedonian and Albanian language media. Aco
Kabranov, Editor in Chief at A1 TV, and Lirim Dulovi, Editor in the
Fakti Albanian language daily, also delivered speeches on this topic.
- Moderators of the second panel discussion, titled as "Reporting for
the other", were Milica Pesic from "Diversity Network," Jovanka Matic
from the Institute of Sociological Research from Belgrade, Mariana
Lenkova from the Greek Helsinki Committee and Sebihana Skenderovska,
activist in the Drom NGO from Kumanovo.
- The third part of the conference was focused on how the foreign
media report on the conflict. Anabel McGorlic and Jake Linch from
Reporting the World, journalist's association from Great Britain,
Christian Higgins, journalist in the London daily "Daily Telegraph"
and Aleksandar Damovski, Director of Dnevnik daily spoke on subject:
"Are the journalists from the foreign media reporting objectively on
the events in Macedonia."
The other participants at the seminar actively participated in all
three panel-discussions, and the experiences presented by the
colleagues-journalists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, FR Yugoslavia
(Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo), Slovenia, Croatia and Albania were
estimated as especially constructive.
With this conference, the MIM was practically the first to open a
public debate for the role of the media in the conflict in Macedonia.
We find the reactions of the media and the public as an urge to
continue with our work to confront the journalists with their mistakes
and failures in regard to the reporting for what happened and what is
still happening in Macedonia. Recognition of the personal mistakes is
an excellent way to start the process for surpassing of the
prejudices, unobjectivity and use of the hate-speech by the media in
Macedonian Institute for Media.
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