Workshops Announcement: Peacebuilding & Reconciliation

MINELRES moderator
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 13:43:24 +0300

From: MINELRES moderator <>

Original sender: Coalition for Global Solidarity and Social
Development <>

Workshops Announcement: Peacebuilding & Reconciliation

 The Coalition for Global Solidarity and Social Development
 Special Announcement - 23.09.01
 New York & Washington D.C. Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Training
 *** The following announcements are for training programmes on
Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in New York (13-14.10.01) and
Washington D.C. (6-7.10.01). Given the tragic importance of the
attacks in New York and Washington D.C. on September 11th and events
in the weeks ahead, we ask you to forward this announcement to all
individuals, organisations, governments, embassies, and agencies you
believe may be interested in taking part in these programmes.  
 Please feel free to post the following announcements on your
web-sites or to send it them out through mailing lists. *** 
 The TRANSCEND Approach
 A Workshop with Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies and
Director, TRANSCEND: A Peace and Development Network
 DATES: October 13-14, 2001
 PLACE: Schimmel Theater, Pace University, New York
 (2) The Center for International Development and Conflict Management 
 (CIDCM) at the University of Maryland at College Park near 
 Washington, DC, will host a:
 with JOHAN GALTUNG, Professor of Peace Studies and Director, 
 TRANSCEND: A Peace and Development Network 
 DATE: October 6-7, 2001
 PLACE: Tydings Hall Room #1102, University of Maryland, College
 The TRANSCEND Approach
 A Workshop with Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies and
Director, TRANSCEND: A Peace and Development Network
 DATES: October 13-14, 2001
 PLACE: Schimmel Theater, Pace University, New York
 (for times and directions, see below)
 This workshop is recommended for anyone interested in helping 
parties in a conflict transform them nonviolently, at the personal, 
group and international level. It should be of interest to
practitioners, diplomats, professionals working with the UN, its
affiliated organizations, NGOs, as well as teachers and students from
a wide range of disciplines.
 This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to the
TRANSCEND method of conflict transformation by peaceful means, based
on 40 years of research and practice. Conflicts can rarely be
"resolved" in the sense that they completely disappear, but they can
be transformed from being fought with violent means to being conducted
by peaceful means. In that sense, conflicts can have a constructive
function in helping bring about desirable change.
 The workshop format will be highly interactive, with a combination of
lectures, facilitated discussions and exercises in small groups. 
Participants are invited to contribute case studies from their own
 * Participants will learn to analyze conflicts and design methods of
intervention that help reduce violence.
 * Methods of mapping conflict formations are to be discussed.
 * Introduction to diagnosis (sources of a conflict), prognosis
(likely trends without intervention) and therapy (proposed
interventions to reduce violence).
 * Principles of dialogue and negotiation as methods of conflict
transformation; the psychology of the dialogue process.
 * Distinction between direct, structural and cultural violence.
 * Sensitivity to cultural differences in conflict transformation.
 * Development of empathy with the parties involved, and creativity to
discover mutually acceptable outcomes.
 * Conflict work as a profession; a code of ethics.
 * A variety of approaches to reconciliation will be covered,
including reparation/restitution; apology/forgiveness;
juridical/punishment; historical/truth commission; joint
sorrow/healing; joint reconstruction; joint conflict resolution.
 TRANSCEND is a peace and development network of invited scholars-
practitioners doing action/training/research/dissemination within 20
programs, based on 40 years experience. Reports on programs and some
manuals can be freely downloaded from
 JOHAN GALTUNG, a distinguished professor of Peace Studies, is widely
known as the founder of the academic discipline of peace research.
Galtung has served as Professor of peace studies at the Universities
of Hawaii, George Mason, Witten/Herdecke (Germany), Tromsoe Norway),
American, Granada (Spain), Ritsumeikan (Japan), Sichuan (China) and
the European Peace University (Austria). He established the
International Peace Research Institute, Oslo in 1959 and the Journal
of Peace Research in 1964. He has published over 1000 articles and 106
books, including Gandhi's Political Ethics (1955), nine volumes of
Essays in Peace Research and Methodology (Ejlers, Copenhagen,
1974-88), The True Worlds (1980), There Are Alternatives (1984) Human
Rights in Another Key (1994), Choose Peace (1995), Peace By Peaceful
Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization (Sage, 1996)
and Searching for Peace: the Road to TRANSCEND (Pluto Press, London,
 He is a consultant to several UN agencies, a constantly traveling
lecturer and has recently founded TRANSCEND, a global network of 150
experts trained in conflict analysis who do field work around the
globe. He holds numerous honorary degrees and awards, among them the
Right Livelihood Award (the "Alternative Nobel Prize").
 Johan Galtung has played an active role in helping mediate in 45
major conflicts around the world over the past four decades, and may
well have helped prevent some wars. A core concept of the TRANSCEND
method is to find a "transcendent" solution which allows all the
parties to a conflict to achieve their main goals. Here is one example
of how it works: Traditional state logic since the treaty of
Westphalia insists that every piece of territory belongs to one and
only one state. At a 1995 meeting with the incoming President of
Ecuador, Johan Galtung suggested to make the disputed border
territory, over which Ecuador and Peru have fought four wars since
1941, into a "binational zone with a natural park." The president was
at first skeptical, but did propose it to Peru, which accepted it with
minor modifications. Now they have a peace treaty. The costs of this
meeting were minuscule compared, for example, with the Gulf War, which
cost $100 billion, not counting the destruction it caused. Most of
all, peaceful conflict transformation can save many lives.
 Saturday, October 13, 2001:
 9:00 am signing in and breakfast
 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Conflict Transformation, Part 1
 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm buffet lunch
 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Conflict Transformation, Part 2
 (coffee break 3:30 - 4 pm)
 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm buffet dinner
 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm NOT WHO, BUT WHY? 
 The United States in conflict: are there solutions? A public
discussion, introduced by Johan Galtung
 Sunday, October 14:
 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm signing in
 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm After Violence: Reconstruction,
 Reconciliation, Resolution
 (coffee break 3:00 - 3:30 pm)
 REGISTRATION FEE: $300 for Saturday and Sunday. This includes:
 - admission to workshops on Saturday and Sunday
 - admission to the lecture on Saturday evening
 - Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means (the TRANSCEND Method),
 A Manual Prepared for the United Nations Disaster Management Training
Program (192 pages) by Johan Galtung
 - After Violence: 3R, Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Resolution --
 Coping With Visible and Invisible Effects of War and Violence
 (105 pages) by Johan Galtung
 - certificate for completing the program
 - breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday (vegetarian and
non-vegetarian choices will be available)
 - coffee and refreshments Saturday and Sunday
 Workshop and meals only, without manuals and certificate: $200
 Saturday only: $200 with manual, $150 without
 Sunday only: $100 with manual, $50 without
 Saturday evening lecture only: $10 at the door for those not
registered for the workshop
 Students with a valid ID get a 50% discount on all prices.
 FOR INFORMATION, contact Prof. Dietrich Fischer, Pace University, Tel 914-773-3440 (after September 10, please leave
your phone number).

 DIRECTIONS to Pace University's Schimmel Theater:
 By subway: take the number 4, 5 or 6 train to Brooklyn Bridge. Go to
the southernmost exit (Frankfort Street), which is in front of Pace
University's main building, facing City Hall. The entrance to the
Schimmel Theater is at the South-East corner of the building, on
Spruce Street, between Park Row and Gold Street, near Gold Street. Pay
parking is on Gold Street across from Pace University.
 TO REGISTER, please send the following information (preferably by
email, in the body of a message, not as attachment, to, or by regular mail to Prof. Dietrich Fischer, Pace
University, Dept. of Computer Science, Goldstein Center,
Pleasantville, New York, NY 10570, by October 3.
 Why you wish to take part in this workshop and how you expect the
training program will benefit your work (about 100-200 words).
 Select a registration option:
 Saturday and Sunday, with manuals and certificate, $300
 Saturday and Sunday, workshop and meals only, $200
 Saturday only: $200 with manual and certificate, $150 without
 Sunday only: $100 with manual and certificate, $50 without
 Students with a valid ID get a 50% discount on all prices.
 Then send a check BY MAIL with your name--made out to TRANSCEND--to
Prof. Dietrich Fischer, Pace University, Dept. of Computer Science,
Goldstein Center, Pleasantville, New York, NY 10570, by October 3. 
Students need to enclose a photocopy of a valid student ID. There is a
$20 surcharge for registration at the door, if space permits.  90%
refunds for cancellations (if you fall ill or are otherwise prevented
from participating in the workshop) requested in writing or by email
by October 14 will be granted.
 JOHAN GALTUNG'S COLLECTED ESSAYS published by Christian Ejlers in
Copenhagen, six volumes of essays in peace research and three in
methodology, will be available for $200 per set during coffee breaks
on Saturday and Sunday.
 Here is the list:
 Essays in Peace Research:
 Vol I (1975, 405 pp.) Peace: research - education - action
 Vol II (1976, 471 pp.) Peace, war and defense
 Vol III (1978, 564 pp.) Peace and social structure
 Vol IV (1980, 736 pp.) Peace and world structure
 Vol V (1980, 491 pp.) Peace problems: some case studies
 Vol VI (1988, 433 pp.) Transarmament and the cold war
 Essays in Methodology:
 Vol 1 (1977, 271 pp.) Methodology and ideology
 Vol 2 (1979, 251 pp.) Papers on methodology
 Vol 3 (1988, 260 pp.) Methodology and development
 They include a total of 3,882 pages and are a real bargain! They can
also be ordered postage free for prepayment (by a $200 check made out
to TRANSCEND) from Dietrich Fischer, Pace University, Dept. of
Computer Science, Goldstein Center, Pleasantville, NY 10570, Tel
914-773-3440, after Sept. 15, 2001.

 (2) The Center for International Development and Conflict Management
(CIDCM) at the University of Maryland at College Park near Washington,
DC, will host a:
 Professor of Peace Studies and Director, TRANSCEND: A Peace and
Development Network
 DATE: October 6-7, 2001 (subject to minimum enrollment requirement as
 PLACE: Tydings Hall Room #1102, University of Maryland, College Park
(for directions, see below)
 WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Conflict management, relief, aid or development
professionals, diplomats and staff members of international
organizations, government agencies, embassies, NGOs, journalists,
teachers, students, researchers and others interested in helping
parties in a conflict to transform it nonviolently, and to promote
reconciliation at the personal, group and international level. The
workshop will cover new ground beyond what was covered in the one-day
workshop on conflict transformation with Prof. Galtung in March of
this year at CIDCM, and is recommended whether or not you attended the
earlier workshop. Please feel free to circulate this notice to
interested colleagues.
 INSTRUCTOR: Johan Galtung is regarded by many as the founder of the
academic discipline of peace research. Galtung has served as Professor
of Peace Studies at the University of Hawaii, George Mason University,
the University of Witten/Herdecke (Germany), the European Peace
University (Austria), the University of Tromsoe (Norway), the
University of Granada (Spain), the University of Ritsumeikan (Japan),
and the University of Sichuan (China). He established the
International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) in 1959 and the
Journal of Peace Research in 1964. He has published over 1,000
articles and over 100 books, from Gandhi's Political Ethics (Tanum,
Oslo, 1955), to Peace By Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict,
Development and Civilization (Sage, 1996) and Searching for Peace: the
Road to TRANSCEND (Pluto Press, London, 2000). He is a consultant to
several UN agencies, and has played an active role in helping mediate
in 45 major conflicts around the world over the past four decades, in
addition to playing a preventive role in others.
 WORKSHOP OVERVIEW: The two-day (13-hour) workshop will introduce
participants to the TRANSCEND method of conflict transformation by
peaceful means, based on 40 years of research and practice. A variety
of approaches to reconciliation will be covered, including
reparation/restitution; apology/forgiveness; juridical/punishment;
historical/truth commission; joint sorrow/healing; joint
reconstruction; joint conflict resolution. The workshop format will be
highly interactive, with a combination of lectures, facilitated
discussions and exercises in small groups. Reports on TRANSCEND
programs and some manuals can be freely downloaded from
 PROGRAM: The workshop will be in two sessions each day: 9 am to 12.30
pm, and 2 pm to 5 pm. Refreshments will be served during morning and
afternoon coffee breaks, along with a buffet lunch between 12.30 and 2
pm (vegetarian and non-vegetarian options available).
 On Saturday, October 6, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, there will also be a
public discussion, introduced by Johan Galtung on "NOT WHO, BUT WHY?
The United States in conflict: are there solutions?
 REGISTRATION FEE: $220 for Saturday and Sunday, payable in advance by
September 30 as below. Student discount (with enclosed photocopy of
valid ID) is $170. A $20 surcharge is payable for late registration
(after September 30), if space permits.
 FOR INFORMATION: Contact Dr. John Davies at or
 TO REGISTER: Please send the following information by email (in the
body of a message, not as attachment) to and/or
by regular mail (along with your check payable to University of
Maryland, and copy student ID if applicable) by September 30, to Dr.
John Davies, CIDCM, Tydings Hall #0145, University of Maryland,
College Park MD 20742. A full refund will be made (checks returned) if
a minimum enrollment of 15 is not reached by September 30, or for
anyone unable to attend who cancels by email or in writing received by
September 30.

>From moderator: 
For directions to workshop site, please contact

 Campus Map: Please visit the following site for a closer view of the
campus. Tydings Hall (TYD) is located in the Southwest Quad:
 The Coalition for Global Solidarity and Social Development

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