MINELRES: International Forum on Communication & Ethnic Minorities

[email protected] [email protected]
Tue Mar 4 22:31:15 2008

Original sender: Observatorio dos Medios <[email protected]>

Dear friend,

The Observatorio Galego dos Medios (Galician Media Monitor, associated
to Media Global Watch) of the Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de
Galicia (Professional College of Journalists of Galicia) is going to
celebrate, within its Permanent Seminar on Communication, Citizenship
and Social Journalism, an International Forum on Communication & Ethnic
Minorities, with the main aim of analyzing, establishing and fortifying
the links between the civil society�s organized networks (the Third
Sector), communication professionals and academic community. This Forums
will consisted on an on-line meeting in the Internet, held from March
17th to April 26th of 2008, and a on-site reunion, to be celebrated in
Vigo in March 15th. The participation is free-cost and can be, in
function of the possibilities of each person, in one or both phases.

With this aim, we want to invite all the organizations of the Third
Sector and the Media to send us their points of view on the relation
between Communication & Ethnic Minorities. Those points of view could be
take the form of communications, experiences, life stories or general
ideas on every point of relation between the two fields. All the
articles will be in a CD of the International Forum (with ISBN). Also,
we would very much appreciate if you could distribute this information
to any researcher or in any other way interested person. 

Thanks in advance for your patience and collaboration. Best wishes,

Ivan Cuevas
Observatorio Galego dos Medios
Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de Galicia

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