MINELRES: Council of Europe organised a Training session on the European Social Charter for persons involved in legal assistance to Roma/Travellers
Sat Oct 27 10:21:27 2007
Original sender: Michael Guet <Michael.GUET@coe.int>
Council of Europe organised a Training session on the European Social
Charter for persons involved in legal assistance to Roma/Travellers
Training session on the European Social Charter for persons involved in
legal assistance to Roma/Travellers
Strasbourg, 15.10.2007 � On 15 October 2007 the Council of Europe Roma
and Travellers Division and the Secretariat of the European Social
Charter organised a one day training session in Strasbourg on the
collective complaints supervisory mechanism of the European Social
Charter for activists-members of the European Roma and Travellers Forum
The training session dealt with the procedure for lodging a successful
application before the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) and
participants were trained by the President of the Committee Polonca
Koncar, the General Rapporteur Jean-Michel Belogrey from the ECSR and by
Mr. Yannis Ktistakis, lecturer at the Democritus University of Thrace
The European Social Charter is a unique international legal instrument
for the protection and promotion of Social Rights and offers through its
flexible complaints procedure the possibility for Roma NGOs to take
collective action against a State.
The Council of Europe intends to organise in 2008 similar trainings at
national level.
Contacts: Eleni Tsetsekou, Administrator, Roma and Travellers Division,
+33 3 88 41 24 33
Sampo Lof, trainee, Roma and Travellers Division,
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