MINELRES: European Roma Information Office - E-news - 20 July 2006

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Fri Jul 21 15:43:09 2006

Original sender: ERIO <office@erionet.org>

Roma in Europe: From Social Exclusion to Active Participation

The publication regarding the Roma in Europe published by Friedrich
Ebert Stiftung � Office Skopje focuses on a new policy framework and is
being published with the intention of encouraging a greater
understanding for the right of the Roma to participate to a greater
extent than in the past in the decision-making processes affecting them
as well as in realizing the programs based on these decisions and
controlling them.


Awareness raising campaign on Roma: we look for trainees! 
Within the framework of Dosta Awareness raising campaign Council of
Europe Roma and Travellers Division is looking for trainees who are
studying or have experience in communication techniques and new
technologies. The traineeships are not remunerated but they offer the
opportunity of having a first contact with an international
organization, to know how it works and to contribute to the developpment
of the Campaign. 
Send your CV and a letter of motivation to: DG3.Roma@coe.int

PRISMA Consulting: Internships, Brussels 
PRISMA Consulting is seeking, for immediate entry, highly skilled
stagiaires for our Brussels office. We are interested to hear from
candidates with an excellent academic record and, above all,
native-level written and spoken English. The successful candidate should
be able to analyse complex dossiers and draft outstanding summary notes
in English. Fluent written and spoken French is also considered an
asset. You should have an affinity for European affairs in general and
transport matters in particular. As you will assist Consultants in their
work, you should be organised, team-oriented and able to quickly grasp
the issues we deal with. Stages are unpaid and for a period of 3 to 6
months. At the end of the stage period, we may give you the opportunity
to stay on a more permanent basis in a remunerated position within the

Are you interested? Send your cv with a short covering e-mail to
Christoph Klenner at christophklenner@prismaconsulting.com

Alternatively write at the following address: Prisma Consulting Group,
Christoph Klenner, Rue du Luxembourg 3, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. 

European Foundation Centre: Information and Communication Department
Database Intern (12 months)

Job duties include maintaining the Information and Communication
Department�s database of funders, which includes detailed information on
foundations and corporate funders active in Europe. The intern will be
involved in all stages and aspects of book-length directory production
from this database; including research, profile writing, editing, and
maintenance of records of contacts with funders that appear in
directories. Some additional administrative work within the department
and for the EFC secretariat as a whole is also required. 

The applicant must have English writing and editorial skills well above
those of the average native English speaker. Strong organisational
skills a must. Proficiency in Microsoft Word required, experience with
Microsoft Excel and Access a plus. This is an intern position aimed at
recent graduates, for which a monthly stipend and other benefits are
offered. Please see the website www.efc.be/jobs for further details.
Applicants should send their CV and cover letter to Jon Warne,
Information and Communication Department Database Officer at jon@efc.be 

Community Philanthropy Initiative Intern (duration 12 months)

Organisation: European Foundation Centre (EFC) The EFC is a
knowledge-based membership association dedicated to strengthening
organised philanthropy, which is embedded in and supports civil society,
in Europe and internationally. www.efc.be. 

Department: Community Philanthropy Initiative (CPI) The Community
Philanthropy Initiative (CPI) of the EFC works to promote and sustain
the development of community philanthropy in Europe and internationally.

Assignment: The CPI team is looking for an intern to provide support to
the CPI project team. 

Job tasks are wide ranging and, in addition to general administrative
work, include research of community foundations and other community
philanthropy organisations in and beyond Europe; assistance with the
organisation of meetings, updating the CPI section of the EFC website;
contributing to a regular electronic newsletter. 

The applicant should have good organisational, communications and
writing skills; and should be enthusiastic, have the ability to work
independently and have an interest in international affairs and
philanthropy. Good knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite, as well
Internet research tools is essential. Fluency in languages other than
English would be an asset. This is an intern position aimed at recent
graduates, for which a monthly stipend and other benefits are offered.
Please see the website www.efc.be/jobs for further details.

Letters of interest with attached CV should be mailed to cpi@efc.be  

OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights: Senior Adviser
on Roma and Sinti Issues 
Location  Warsaw, PL. Grade  P4.

Closing Date of application  28-Jul-2006 

If you wish to apply for this position, please use OSCE's online
application link found under http://www.osce.org/employment/13108.html.

Please note that vacancies in the OSCE are open for competition only
amongst nationals of participating States, please see

The OSCE, as an equal opportunity organization, encourages female
candidates to apply. The OSCE is committed to the principle of staff
rotation, therefore the maximum period of service in this post is 7

Ivan Ivanov, Executive Director, ERIO

The European Roma Information Office (ERIO) is an international advocacy
organization, which  promotes political and public discussion on Roma
issues by providing factual and in-dept information on a range of policy
issues to the European Union institutions, Roma civil organizations,
governmental authorities and intergovernmental bodies. 

The ERIO cooperates with a network of a large number of organizations 
and acts to combat racial discrimination and social exclusion thorugh
awarenes raising, lobbying and policy development. 

Ave. Edouard Lacomble 17 
Brussels 1040 
Tel: 0032(0)27333462

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