MINELRES: CfA: Diversity, Regionalism and Youth: Comparison between Central, Eastern and Western Europe

MINELRES moderator minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Fri Jun 4 18:53:41 2004

Original sender: Mendoza Eva <emendoza@europarl.eu.int>

"Diversity, Regionalism and Youth - Comparison between Central, Eastern
and Western Europe"
Conference in Brno (CZ) in English and Czech language, 
Dates: 20.10.04-25.10.04 
Deadline 15.06.04
for participants between 17 and 27 years of age
organized by European Free Alliance Youth 
themes: reality of regionalism in Central, Eastern and Western Europe,
youth view of the subject.

For more information and to receive the inscription form, please
contact: European Free Alliance Youth, Rue Wiertz, PHS 02C26, B-1047
phone +32-22841711, fax +32-228-41771, emendoza@europarl.eu.int,

Eva Mendoza
European Free Alliance Youth

Tel. +32 22841711
Fax. +32 22841771
60 Rue Wiertz PHS 02C26
1047 -Bruxelles (Belgique)


Conference and Debate
Brno, 20-25 October 2004

1.Main aims:
Getting to know the reality of regionalism awareness in Central, Eastern
and Western Europe, as well as the youth view of the subject. Getting to
know the role of regionalism in Europe and how to improve the promotion
of regional culture and specific characteristics. Analysis and
comparison of the positive and negative issues of regionalism by young

1.Awareness of the idea of Regionalism and Diversity in Central, Eastern
and Western Europe. 
2. To increase participation among young people. 
3. Integration between young people coming from different minorities,
regions and nations from all around Europe.
4. Exchange of good regionalism practices.

The organisation team will design and carry out the programme of the
1. Conferences given by experts from the Czech Republic universities. 
2. Round tables and workshops among the participants. Main topics
concerning the activity will be discussed: 
 -The idea of Regionalism, different connotation in different European
 -What can youth do to give a boost to the debate?  
 -Positive and negative aspects of regionalism. 
 -The role of Europe for regionalist organisations.
3. Role-plays. 
4. Most of the activities in small and multicultural groups of 6 people
approximately, underlining active participation, group-work and
5. Integration activities between the participants and visits to main
institutions in Czech Republic, with a special focus in the Moravian


Arrival of the participants.

10.00-12.30	Presentation of the activity, presentation of the
participants and their organisations and regions/nations. Integration
activities. Expectations.
13.00-15.00	Lunch
15.00-19.00	Visit to Brno city.
19.00-20.30	Dinner
20.30-21.30	Exhibition of a Moravian movie and Moravian traditions.

10.00-12.30	Public Conference at Brno University "Masaryk" "Comparison
of regionalism at Central, Eastern and Western Europe". (3 speakers)
13.00-15.00	Lunch
15.00-19.00	Workshop between the participants about the subject of the
19.00-20.30	Dinner
20.30-21.30	Free evening

10.00-12.30	Trip and visit to Prague.
13.00-15.00	Lunch
15.00-19.00	Public Conference at Prague University "Youth participation
in the regionalist debate". (3 speakers).
19.00-20.30	Dinner
20.30-21.30	Trip back to Brno.

10.00-12.30	Workshop between the participants about the subject of the
13.00-15.00	Lunch
15.00-19.00	Conclusion meeting.
19.00-20.30	Dinner
20.30-21.30	Dinner with Moravian specialities and Party!

Departure of the participants.

5. Profile of the participants and recruitment procedure:
The selected participants will be young people as students, politically
involved or part of a youth organisation. Interested individuals not
belonging to a youth organisation will be also taken into account. From
the 40 participants, 30 are going to be selected from EFAY
organisations. Candidates should be:

	-Between 17 - 27 years of age, 
	-Committed to attend the entire duration of the activity, 
	-Highly motivated, 
	-Be able to work in one of the working languages of the activity, 
	-Acceptance of the participation fee and a part of their trip.

All candidates must send the application form to
emendoza@europarl.eu.int. Each EFAY organisation can propose three
candidates; one and maximum two of them will be selected. The selection
will take into account geographical balance between regions, ages,
organisations that have never participated in an exchange and personal
interest of the participants. A balance between women and men will be
also taken into account. The selection of candidates will take place in
June. Selected and not selected participants will be informed in the
first 10 days of July 2004. A waiting list will be established, in the
case of cancellations. If a selected candidate cannot attend, he/she
should inform as soon as possible EFAY or Young Moravians, in order to
be able to invite others.

The deadline will be the 15 June 2004.

6. Languages:
The working language will be English. The candidates who apply for this
course must be able to fill in the application form without assistance
from another person. 
Translation from Czech to English/English Czech will be provided during
the conferences.
Participants may indicate all the languages they are able to work in.
Possible translation for other languages if necessary.

7. Financial and practical conditions of participation:
Travel expenses: 
Travel expenses (most economic fares) will be reimbursed only to
participants who attended the entire activity. The reimbursement will be
in a 70% and in a maximum of 225 Euro. Payment will be made by bank
transfer after the course. Possibilities, if necessary, to reimburse in
cash at the end of the activity.
It is recommended to arrive directly to Prague, as better connections to
Brno will be found (instead of the possibility of Vienna).
Accommodation will be provided and paid by the organisers.
Enrolment fee:
An enrolment fee of 60 Euro is payable by each participant. This amount
will be deducted from the amount to be reimbursed for travel expenses or
paid at the organisers during the activity.

10. Organisation team:
Yvona Sabacka: International Relations Young Moravians
Jiri Novotny: President Young Moravians
Jonas Dutordoir: President of EFAY
Eva Mendoza: EFAY Co-ordinator

Contact information:
Young Moravians
Starobrnenska 20
602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Tel 0042 0721563026
Fax 0042 0542215276

Rue Wiertz, PHS 02C26
1047 Brussels, Belgium
Tel 0032 22841711
Fax 0032 22841771