MINELRES: Training Programme: Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation & Post-War
Reconstruction, Reconciliation and Resolution
MINELRES moderator
Wed Sep 17 13:38:37 2003
Original sender: peacepraxis <peacepraxis@yahoo.com>
A Training Programme organised by TRANSCEND and the Peace Action,
Training and Research Institute of Romania
November 3 - 7, 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
To apply or to receive further information: training@transcend.org
Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation and Post-War Reconstruction,
Reconciliation and Resolution (PCTR 2003) is designed for practitioners,
political leaders and policy makers, and organisations working in areas
affected by conflict, violent conflict, and war, as well as countries
and regions in post-war situations. Building upon experiences in
peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and post-war reconstruction,
rehabilitation, reconciliation and healing, the programme is highly
intensive and practice-oriented. Rather than a focus on pure theory, the
training is both skills and knowledge intensive, and is structured in
such a way as to take up and address within the programme the concrete
challenges and issues faced by the participants and the organisations
they represent, both in the field and in their organisation, programme
and project design.
The PCTR is the only five-days intensive training programme of its kind,
exploring all three phases of violence and war -- pre-violence,
violence, post-violence -- and what can be done: to transform unresolved
conflicts, for war to peace transitions, to empower communities,
organisations, and individuals for conflict transformation and
peacebuilding, to design and implement effective cease-fire and peace
processes, and to develop effective policy responses and programmes for
conflict transformation and post-war reconstruction, rehabilitation,
reconciliation, and healing. It is based upon the TRANSCEND Method for
Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means - adopted as a training manual
by the United Nations - and draws upon approaches to conflict
transformation and peacebuilding from more than 100 countries and
cultures around the world.
The PCTR is particularly relevant for senior to middle-range staff and
executive officers in national and international aid and development
organisations, field staff working in areas affected by violent conflict
and war or in post-war/violence situations, international diplomats,
national and local level politicians in countries affected by war and
conflict or with portfolios responsible for issues dealing with
peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and development policies, policy
makers, UN staff, and practitioners of conflict transformation and
The PCTR 2003 is designed to help practitioners, policy makers, and aid
and development workers in societies affected, threatened by, or in a
post-war situation. Increasingly, governments, development
organisations, the United Nations, and national and international NGOs
have recognised the need of developing effective and constructive
responses to the challenges of conflict and war. This programme will
help in further strengthening participants knowledge and understanding
of both the complexities of conflicts and effective and constructive
approaches to their transformation. Its focus will be on both conflict
and violence, including the need to heal from the impacts and effects of
violence on communities and to transform conflicts even after a
cease-fire has been signed, and, in the best of cases, before violence
has broken out.
One of TRANSCEND's most intense and high level training programmes, the
PCTR has been created to help participants strengthen their knowledge
and understanding of the structures and dynamics of war and violent
conflict, skills, tools and approaches useful for peacebuilding,
conflict transformation, and post-war reconstruction, reconciliation,
and healing, and effective development and implementation of
peacebuilding strategies and conflict transformation at the local,
national, and international levels. It is a highly intensive training
programme in which participants are asked and expected to take up
conflicts which they are dealing with in their organisations/work, lives
and community, and to share together experiences and challenges faced in
working with conflicts, conflict transformation and peacebuilding. Only
committed participants will be accepted for the programme.
The PCTR Training Programme offers participants an intensive and
stimulating environment together with experienced participants from
around the world, supported by the committed staff and peaceworkers of
PATRIR and TRANSCEND. It has been designed to build upon the best
aspects of TRANSCEND's advanced training programmes for practitioners,
together with a working needs-based approach to respond to the
particular situations and needs of the participants involved and the
dynamics of the conflicts in their communities.
Bridging the fields of theory and practice, the PCTR 2003 will be highly
effective for those working:
o to prevent the outbreak of violent conflict in their
o to transform violent and intractable conflicts towards peaceful and
constructive outcomes;
o to mobilise and empower communities for broad-based, comprehensive and
inclusive approaches to conflict transformation and peacebuilding;
o to improve participants' abilities to map conflicts effectively and
develop appropriate strategies and responses for integration into their
work, organisations and programmes;
o to develop effective methods, tools and approaches for conflict
transformation and peacebuilding;
o to develop/improve and implement programmes within their
organisations/communities either directly addressing or affected by
conflicts and war;
o to carry out reconstruction, rehabilitation, reconciliation, and
healing in post-violence/war situations, going from cease-fires (halting
the violence) to peace processes (addressing root causes, transforming
the underlying conflicts, and building resources for peace and
o to realise effective policies/programmes for responding to conflict
and dealing with the impacts of war and violence on national and
community social, economic, political and development related
THE TRAINING PROGRAMME - November 3 - 7, 2003
The Training Programme will take place from Monday to Friday, November 3
- 7, 2003 at the Romanian Peace Institute in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Participants will be expected to arrive by Sunday, November 2nd at the
The Training Programme will be divided into a Morning and Afternoon
session for each day, combining intensive training, group work, workshop
sessions, and individually designed working modules. There will be a
two hours break for lunch and individual work in between, and additional
breaks for tea and coffee in each session. The programme will begin each
day at 09:00, and run until 18:00.
Participants will receive materials to assist them in their
participation before the programme, as well as written reports and
follow-up materials upon their completion of the five-days training.
Monday, November 3
Morning Session: Introduction to the Programme, Trainer and Participants
followed by an Introduction to the TRANSCEND Method of Conflict
Transformation by Peaceful Means
Afternoon Session: The TRANSCEND Method Continued: Conflict
Transformation by Peaceful Means - Tools, Methods and Approaches
Tuesday, November 4
Morning Session: Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation: Mapping
Actors, Issues and Therapies/Solutions
Afternoon Session: Mapping the Impact and Dynamics of Conflict and War:
Pre-War, War, Post-War
Identifying the Challenges: Violence Prevention, Conflict Transformation
and Peacebuilding, and Post-War Reconstruction, Reconciliation and
Wednesday, November 5
Morning Session & Afternoon Session: Peacebuilding and Conflict
Transformation in Practice: Developing Strategies and Approaches/Methods
for Transforming Conflicts and Dealing with the Visible and Invisible
Effects of Violence and War
Thursday, November 6
Morning Session: Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation in Societies
Affected by War and Intense Violence: Implementing Peace During War &
War to Peace Transitions
Afternoon Session: Building Peace in Divided Societies: Post-War
Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Resolution and Healing - Dealing with
the Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, Individual and Community
Impacts of Violence and Developing Effective Responses for Healing and
Friday, November 7
Morning Session: Building a Culture of Peace and Reconciliation: Peace
Journalism, Peace Education and Peace Praxis
Afternoon Session: Ho'o ponopono & Participants Presentations
Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen is founder and Director of the Peace Action,
Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) and Co-Director of
TRANSCEND, and is on the Executive Board of the TRANSCEND Peace
University (TPU) where he is Course Director for the courses
Peacebuilding and Empowerment and War to Peace Transitions. He has
worked in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Russia, South Eastern
Europe, North America, and the Middle East at the invitation of
governments, inter-governmental organisations, UN agencies, and local
organisations and communities promoting local development, community
empowerment, and peacebuilding. He has written and published widely,
and is author of The Struggle Continues: The Political Economy of
Globalisation and People's Struggles for Peace (Pluto, forthcoming),
co-author, together with Johan Galtung and Carl Jacobsen, of Searching
for Peace: The Road to TRANSCEND (Pluto, 2000 & 2002) and Editor of the
TRANSCEND book series published together with Pluto Press, Critical
Peace Studies: Peace by Peaceful Means. He is currently working on
preparing a comprehensive handbook for Peacebuilding, Conflict
Transformation and Post-War Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and
Reconciliation in Nepal. He is also a member of the Executive Board of
the Journal of Peace and Development and the Executive Board of the
Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, and an Associate of the
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, as well as an
advisor to several governments, foreign ministries, the Commonwealth
Secretariat and the Council of Europe. In 1999 he was founder and
Director of the Coalition for Global Solidarity and Social Development,
and in 2000, together with Johan Galtung, he was founder of the Nordic
Institute for Peace Research (NIFF). Since 1996 he has provided more
than 150 training programmes in peacebuilding, development, and
constructive conflict transformation to more than 3500 participants in
28 countries.
Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen will be supported by the staff and
additional trainers of the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute
of Romania (PATRIR).
PARTICIPANTS - Who Can Take Part?
Participants to the PCTR 2003 Training Programme should be:
o senior to middle-range staff and executive officers in national and
international aid and development organisations
o field staff working in areas affected by violent conflict and war or
in post-war/violence situations
o international diplomats, national and local level politicians in
countries affected by war and conflict or with portfolios responsible
for issues dealing with peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and
development policies
o UN Staff
o staff of international and national NGOs working in the fields of
development, human rights, conflict resolution, democratisation, and
social empowerment
o policy makers
o practitioners of conflict transformation and mediation.
Applicants requiring visas for travel to Romania are requested to send
in a copy of their CV and the completed Application Form no later than
September 19th, 2003.
Applicants who do not require visas for travel to Romania are requested
to send in a copy of their CV and the completed Application Form no
later than October 10, 2003.
There are a limited number of positions available. If you are interested
in participating in the PCTR 2003 we would encourage you to contact the
Romanian Peace Institute (PATRIR) and to submit your application as soon
as possible.
Visit www.transcend.org to apply on-line or write to sorana@patrir.ro
for an Application Form.
Detailed information about travel to Cluj-Napoca will be sent to those
who have registered and been accepted as participants.
Participation fees for the full 5-days training programme are:
Participants from North America, Western Europe and South-East
Asia/Oceania: Euros 700
Participants from Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe: Euros
The participation fee covers participation in the training programme,
and all materials, including:
o Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means: The TRANSCEND Approach, The
United Nations Disaster Management Training Programme Manual (UNDP
o Searching for Peace: The Road to TRANSCEND by Johan Galtung, Carl
Jacobsen and Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen (Pluto Press, 2002)
o Peace by Peaceful Means by Johan Galtung (Sage Press, 1996)
o After Violence: 3R - Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Resolution
o And additional books and publications
Participants will also receive CDs designed by TRANSCEND with further
documents and materials relating to the topics of the programme which
will be of use both for them and their organisations.
Accommodation is provided in double rooms. Single room accommodation is
available for all participants for Euros 50 extra for the week.
TRANSCEND - A Peace and Development Network for Conflict Transformation
by Peaceful Means
TRANSCEND is a network of more than 200 of the world's leading
practitioners and scholars in peacebuilding and development from over 60
countries around the world. Committed to the promotion of peace by
peaceful means, TRANSCEND has 20 active programmes, and conducts its
work through action, education/training, dissemination and research.
With centres in Barcelona (Spain), Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Geneva
(Switzerland), Hagen (Germany), Honolulu (USA), Kyoto (Japan), Moscow
(Russia), Sandnes (Norway), Taplow Court (Great Britain), Torino
(Italy), Vienna (Austria), and Washington, DC (USA) - with several
others now being formed in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia -
TRANSCEND has provided more than 300 training programmes for over 6000
participants in 43 countries around the world. Participants in
TRANSCEND training programmes have included politicians, diplomats, aid
and development workers, teachers, psychologists, social workers,
journalists, civil service employees, UN staff, professors, students,
and others. In 2000, TRANSCEND developed the United Nations' first ever
manual on "Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means: The TRANSCEND
Approach." In February, 2003, TRANSCEND launched the world's first ever
truly global Peace University on-line: the TRANSCEND Peace University
(www.transcend.org/tpu). TRANSCEND is involved in peacebuilding,
conflict transformation, and post-war reconciliation and healing in
several conflict areas world-wide, at the invitation of local groups,
organisations, universities, governments, and parties to the conflict.
TRANSCEND only works in conflict/war affected areas when it has been
invited. Currently, TRANSCEND is doing research on: Peacebuilding and
Empowerment; Non-Territorial Federalism and Functional Independence;
Self-Determination and the Nation/State Dialectic; Peacebuilding and
Globalisation; Conflict Transformation and Psychological Assumptions;
Comparing Methods of Conflict Transformation from Micro, Meso and
Macro-Levels; the Dialogue Process; Local and Subsistence Economics;
Models for Global Economic Crises; Understanding Genocide. TRANSCEND
has recently launched the new TRANSCEND Media Service, and is in the
process of developing the Conflict Transformation Index (CTI) and
TRANSCEND Early Warning Index (EWI). TRANSCEND perspectives are freely
available on the Internet (www.transcend.org), and a TRANSCEND monthly
Bulletin is being prepared for distribution in 12
PATRIR - The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania
Founded on March 1st, 2001, the PATRIR, is an institute, organisation,
training centre and network, linking together scholars, grassroots
activists, and peace researchers throughout Romania, South-Eastern
Europe and internationally. Its aim is to address the core challenges
facing Romania and the countries of South and Eastern Europe, to
strengthen and empower grassroots organisations and citizens' action, to
mobilise people for active peace work and peaceful conflict
transformation, and to address the structural causes of poverty, human
rights violations and economic and social injustice. PATRIR is an
institute and an organisation for research, training and active peace
work. PATRIR organises training programmes in peacebuilding and
peaceful conflict transformation; peace journalism; democracy and human
rights; multi- culturalism; empowering civil society; gender and peace;
people- centred, sustainable development; post-war reconstruction,
rehabilitation, reconciliation and healing; and, environment and
ecology. Participants to PATRIR training programmes frequently include
senior politicians and diplomats, experienced aid and development
workers, UN and NGO staff, civil society activists, professors,
teachers, students, journalists, artists, and psychologists from Romania
and more than 30 countries internationally. PATRIR cooperates with
TRANSCEND as the TRANSCEND Centre for South-Eastern Europe. Since 2001,
PATRIR has been one of TRANSCEND's leading international training sites.
For more information or to register as a participant, please contact:
Sorana Olaru, PATRIR/TRANSCEND Training Coordinator:
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