MINELRES: CoE IID: Clearing House Review, No. 58, September 2003 (excerpts)
MINELRES moderator
Wed Sep 17 13:34:01 2003
Original sender: International Institute for Democracy
>From MINELRES moderator: Full text available at
Institut international de la democratie
International Institute for Democracy
Clearing House Review
No. 57, July 2003
Published bimonthly, it contains a list of upcoming events worldwide and
recent publications in the field of democracy and human rights.
Available also online at
International Institute for Democracy
Palais de l'Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
tel: +33 3 88 41 32 47
fax: +33 3 88 41 37 75
E-mail: iidemocracy.info@coe.int
Forthcoming Seminars and Conferences
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
18-19 September, Istanbul, Turkey
Seminar on 'The situation of refugees and migrants in Turkey', organised
by the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography
6 October, Brussels, Belgium
Hearing on 'Consequences of enlargement for the Schengen agreement',
organised by the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography
20-22 October, Limasol, Cyprus
Euro-Mediterranean parliamentary forum on migration, organised by the
Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography
24 October, Paris, France
Hearing on 'The suppression of provocative language and incitements to
hatred and violence', organised by the Political Affairs Committee
*For information: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,
F-67075 Strasbourg, tel: +33 3 88 41 20 00, fax: +33 3 88 41 27 81,
e-mail: infopoint@coe.int, http://www.coe.int
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
4-5 September, Vienna, Austria
Conference on 'Discrimination, racism and xenophobia'
6-17 October, Warsaw, Poland
'Human dimension implementation meeting'
*For information: OSCE, Karntner Ring 5-7, 4th Floor,
A-1010 Vienna, tel: +43 15 14 36 180, fax: +43 15 14 36 105, e-mail:
info@osce.org, http://www.osce.org
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)
5 September, Flensburg, Germany
'Minority issues in Europe', organised in cooperation with the OSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities.
10 December, Tetevo, Macedonia
Roundtable on 'Minorities in democracy', organised in cooperation with
the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
*For information: ECMI, Kompagnietor Building, Schiffbrucke 12, D-24939
Flensburg, tel: +49 461 14 14 90, fax: +49 461 14 14 919, e-mail:
info@ecmi.de, http://www.ecmi.de
Bosporus International
6-26 September, various cities in the Balkan region
Forum on 'Balkan youth for tolerance'
*For information: Bosporus International, Bonner Talweg, 33-35, D-53113
Bonn, tel: +49 228 26 38 43, fax: +49 228 209 49 98, e-mail:
bonn@bosporus.org, http://www.bosporus.org
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
15-16 September, Stuttgart, Germany
Conference on 'Foreigners' integration and participation in public life
in European cities'
*For information: Council of Europe, F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, tel: +33
388 41 31 94,
fax: +33 388 41 27 51, e-mail: webcplre@coe.int,
Southeast European Media Organisation
20-22 November, Vienna, Austria
Seminar on 'Roma media in Southeast Europe'
*For information: SEEMO - IPI, Spiegelgasse 2/29,
A-1010 Vienna, tel: +431 513 39 40,
fax: +431 512 90 15, e-mail: seemo@journalist.com,
1-8 September, Nafplion, Greece
4th annual Olympia Human Rights Programme on 'Immigration', organised by
the Human Rights Defence Centre, Lempessi Street 3, Makrygianni,
GR-11742 Athens, tel: +30 210 92 10 977,
fax: +30 210 92 46 056, e-mail: kepad@hellasnet.gr,
15-19 September, Vienna, Austria
8th International Metropolis conference on
'Gaining from migration : A global perspective on opportunities for
economic and social prosperity'. Contact: Europaforum Wien, Centre for
Urban Dialogue and European Policy,
Rahlgasse 3/2, A-1060 Vienna, tel: +43 1 58 58 51 021, fax: +43 1 58 58
51 030, e-mail: metropolis2003@europaforum.or.at,
16-21 September, Tallinn, Estonia
European youth seminar on 'Islam in Europe - a dialogue between
cultures', organised by European Education Exchanges - Youth for
Understanding, Regastraat 47/4, B-3000 Leuven, tel: +32 16 29 08 55,
fax: 32 16 29 06 97, e-mail: eee-yfu@skynet.be, http://www.yfu.org
24 September, Telaris, Sweden
Seminar on 'Challenges in the field of human rights, humanitarian and
refugee laws', organised by the Raoul Wallenburg Institute, P.O. Box
1155, SE-22105 Lund, fax: +46 46 22 21 222, e-mail:
secretariat@rwi.lu.se, http://www.rwi.lu.se
24-26 September, Prague, Czech Republic
'Implementation of the Durban programme of action: An exchange of ideas
on how to move forward' (in English and Russian), organised by the
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Palais des Nations,
CH-1211 Geneva 10, tel: +41 22 917 93 81, fax: +41 22 917 90 50, e-mail:
bvanhout@ohchr.org, http://www.unhchr.ch
5-10 October, Berlin, Germany
Seminar on 'Equal chances within the company: Becoming active against
discrimination of migrants', organised by the DGB Bildungswerk -
Migration und Qualifizierung, Hans-Bockler-Strasse 39, D-40476
Duseeldorf, tel: +49 211 430 11 41, fax: +49 211 430 11 37, e-mail:
migration@dgb-bildungswerk.de, http://www.migration-online.de
13-15 October, Germany
'Enjoying democracy - Creative ways of dealing with racism, right-wing
extremism, xenophobia and violence', organised by Landeszentrale fur
poltische Bildung NRW, Neanderstrasse 6, D-40233 Dusseldorf, tel: +49
211 67 97 722, fax: +49 211 67 97 733, e-mail:
herbert.cormann@masqt.nrw.de, http://www.masqt.nrw.de
19-23 November, Krakow, Poland
'Never again : European youth conference against racism and fascism',
organised by UNITED for Intercultural Action, PB 413, NL-1000 AK
Amsterdam, tel: +31 20 68 34 778, fax: +31 20 68 34 582, e-mail:
info@unitedagainstracism.org, http://www.unitedagainstracism.org
22-27 November, Tbilisi, Georgia
Seminar on 'Fighting against violence and all forms of discrimination',
organised by Young Georgians for Europe, 9 Barnov Street, Tbilisi,
GE-380008, tel: +995 99 50 47 93, fax: +995 32 92 25 03, e-mail:
Special Courses
7-21 September, Lancaster, United Kingdom
'Certificate in conflict resolution skills', organised in cooperation
with the Richardson Institute for Peace and Conflict Research, (a
research centre within the Department of Politics and International
Relations at Lancaster University), Responding to Conflict, 1046 Bristol
Road, Selly Oak, GB-Birmingham B29 6LJ, tel: +44 121 415 5641, fax: +
121 415 41 19, e-mail: enquiries@respond.org, http://www.respond.org
2-12 November, Budapest, Hungary
Regional Advocacy and Rights Training Seminar, organised by Minority
Rights Group International, 379 Brixton Road, GB-London SW9 7DE, tel:
+44 207 978 94 98, fax: +44 207 738 62 65, e-mail:
minority.rights@mrgmail.org, http://www.minorityrights.org
10-14 November, Turku/Abo, Finland
Course on 'Linguistic and minority rights', organised by the Institute
of Human Rights, Abo Akademi University, Gezeliusgatan 2, FIN-20500
Turko/Abo, tel: +358 2 215 4713, fax: +358 2 215 4699,
Recent Publications
'Ethnic conflict and civic life: Hindus and Muslims in India' by
Ashutosh Varshney. This book focuses on the networks of civic
engagement that bring Hindu and Muslim communities together. ISBN:
0-300-08530-3, price: 45US$. Published by Yale University Press, PO Box
209040, New Haven, CT 06520-9040, USA,
tel: +1 203 432 09 60, fax: +1 203 432 09 48, e-mail:
tom.buhler@yaleup.co.uk, http://www.yale.edu/yup/
'Reflections on citizenship in a multilingual world' edited by Kim Brown
and Margot Brown. This book offers practical examples that will
encourage language teachers to include aspects of citizenship education
in their classes. Published by The National Centre for Languages and
available from the Centre for Citizenship Studies in Education, School
of Education, University of Leicester, 21 University Road, GB-Leicester
LE1 7RF, tel: +44 116 252 36 81, fax: +44 116 252 36 53, e-mail:
ccse@le.ac.uk, http://www.le.ac.uk/se/centres/citizenship/
'Problems of Religious freedom and tolerance in selected OSCE States -
Report to the OSCE supplementary meeting on Freedom of Religion or
Belief, Vienna 17-18 July 2003'. Published by the International Helsinki
Federation for Human Rights (IHF), Wickenburggasse 14/17, A-1080 Vienna,
tel: +43 1 408 88 22, fax: +43 1 408 88 22 50, e-mail:
office@ihf-hr.org, http://www.ihf-hr.org/index.php
Available on line
'Media in multilingual societies : Freedom and responsibility', edited
by Ana Karlsreiter. A compilation of five country reports which
addresses the role of the media in different languages within several
multilingual democracies. This book is the result of a project launched
by the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media,
Kaerntner Ring 5-7, Top 14, 2 DG, A-1010 Vienna,
tel: +43 1 514 36 62 05, fax: +43 1 514 36 62 60,
e-mail: pm-fom@osce.org, http://www.osce.org/fom
http://www.stop-discrimination.info: As part of its Action Programme to
combat Discrimination, the European Commission is running a five-year
pan-European information campaign on combating discrimination on the
grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability
and sexual orientation. The campaign which is being developed in close
co-operation with EU governments, trade unions, employers' organisations
and NGOs, was launched on 16th June 2003
'EUMC internet guide: On organizations combating racism and xenophobia
in Europe', published by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and
Xenophobia (EUMC), Rahlgasse 3, A-1060 Vienna,
tel: +43 1 580 30 0, fax: +43 1 580 30 99, e-mail:
information@eumc.eu.int, http://eumc.eu.int/eumc/index.ph
Calls for Papers & Grants, Partnerships and Fellowships
Call for Applications: As part of its South-East Europe programme,
Minority Rights Group International (MRG) will hold a Regional Advocacy
and Rights Training event from the 7-12 November 2003, in Budapest,
Hungary. This training programme is for NGO activists working on
minority rights issues. The programme will provide a comprehensive
introduction to use of international instruments for minority
protection, including UN mechanisms, the role of the OSCE, the Council
of Europe, and in particular the Framework Convention for the Protection
of National Minorities, and the increasing relevance of the European
Union in the region. Participants will be trained in the use of a
variety of advocacy techniques to use at national and international
level. There will also be sessions on programme design and fundraising.
Applicants from the following countries are eligible: Albania, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, and Serbia and
Montenegro. MRG International will cover all participants' costs.*For
more information: Minority Rights Group International (MRG), Minority
Rights Group International, 379 Brixton Road, GB-London SW9 7DE, tel:
+44 207 978 94 98, fax: +44 207 738 62 65, e-mail:
catherine.woollard@mrgmail.org, http://www.minorityrights.org. Deadline
for applications: 15th September.