
Konference “Cilvektiesības pandēmijas laikā: Eiropas Padomes nostāja”

Videokonference “Latvija un Eiropa pec vīrusa”. 1.06.2020. Organizēja: S&D group in the European Parliament.


Правосудие по алгоритму: искусственный интеллект в работе полиции и уголовном правосудии

Международная конференция “Новые технологии и право в защите прав человека”. 4 ноября 2019 г., Санкт Петербург. Организаторы: Российский Государственный педагогический университет им.Герцена, Центр правовых программ, Citizens Watch International и Санкт-Петербургский институт права имени Принца П.Г. Ольденбургского.
Видео выступления

International advocacy before the Council of Europe bodies

The struggle against ethnic profiling in Europe: Lessons learned, good practices and future developments. Valencia, 28-30 June 2019. Organized by Open Society Justice Initiative.

Role of national parliaments in the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights: Compatibility of draft laws with the ECHR standards and execution of the ECtHR judgments

Parliamentary seminar on the role of national parliaments in implementing standards of the European Convention on Human Rights. Budapest, 26 November 2018. Organized by Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe.

Русские в Европе: 30 лет спустя

XXIII международная конференция «Балтийского форума» “Русские на Западе”. Юрмала, 2 ноября 2018. Организатор: “Балтийский форум” .

Protecting Identity: Art.5, 9, 12, 13, 14 of the Framework Convention

Conference “Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: Taking Stock after 20 Years”. Frankfurt, 13-14 March 2018.

Organized by European Centre for Minority Issues and Goethe University Frankfurt.

Dialogue with national minorities and effective participation: European experience

Roundtable “Fostering Intercultural Dialogue in Ukraine”. Kiev, 12 February 2018. Organized by European Centre for Minority Issues.

The role of national parliaments in the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights

Second Regional seminar on the role of national parliaments in implementing the standards of the European Convention on Human Rights. Budapest, 12-13 June 2017. Organized by PACE.

Эффективность международных правозащитных механизмов для защиты меньшинств и преодоления дискриминации

Conference “International Human Rights Instruments and Their Role in Combating Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities in the Eastern Borderland of the European Union”. Kiev, 15-16 May 2017. Organized by European Centre for Minority Issues.

Compatibility of draft laws with the ECHR standards and execution of the European Court of Human Rights judgments

Round table on the role of the Georgian Parliament in implementing standards of the European Convention of Human Rights. Borjomi, 17 March 2017. Organized by PACE.