
Migration and increasing diversity in Europe: underestimated challenges to social democracy

Conference “New challenges to social democracy in New Europe”. Riga, 27-28 February 2004. Organized by the People’s Concord Party.
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National minorities in the EU acceding and candidate countries

Interparliamentary colloquy “Ethnic minorities in the European citizenship concept”. Brussels, 4-5 December 2003. Organized by the European Parliament.

The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities within the context of the Council of Europe

Filling the Frame. Conference to mark the 5th anniversary of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Strasbourg, 30-31 October 2003. Organized by the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.
List of participants

Этническое доминирование и конфликт. Критические заметки к анализу новейшей истории Латвии

Конференция «Посткоммунистическая трансформация и процессы
демократизации в Латвии. 1987-2003 годы». Рига, 17.10.2003. Организаторы: Кафедра политологии ЛУ и Балтийский Русский институт.

The Schengen Convention: what is the situation regarding the new Member States?

Seminar Public on the Schengen Convention. Development of the Schengen Information System (SIS II) and Data Protection: What Strategy for the Future? Brussels, 6 October 2003. Organized by EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and PACE Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population.

Вступление в ЕС и русские в Латвии

Круглый стол “Русские Латвии – русские Европы”. Рига, 22-23.08.2003. Организатор: НПО D.V.I.N.A.

Modern nation-state and European standards of minority rights

UniDem Seminar “State consolidation and national identity”. Chisinau, 4-5 July 2003. Organized by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission).
About the seminar
List of participants

Abolition of the death penalty: the European experience

Conference “Justice and human rights in Council of Europe Observer States: The abolition of the death penalty”. Springfield-Washington, 9-11 April 2003. Organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe .


Права меньшинств: кто носитель этих прав?

Семинар “Меньшинства и большинство в Эстонии: проблемы интеграции в веропейксом контексте”. Таллин, 15-16.11.2002. Организатор: Центр информации по правам человека.