International conference “Holocaust: memory and learning”
Riga, 4-5 July 2006. Organized by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and American Jewish Committee.
Riga, 4-5 July 2006. Organized by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and American Jewish Committee.
Geneva, 16 June 2006. Organized by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).
List of participants
Roundtable report
Jurmala, 26-27 May 2006. Organized by The Baltic Forum.
Brussels, 5 May 2006. Organized by the Institutes for Constitutional Law and for Human Rights of the Catholic University of Leuven and the Academy of European Law.
Brasov, 7 March 2006. Organized by the Romanian chairmanship of the Council of Europe.
List of participants
Rīga, 28.02.2006. Organizēja Valsts cilvēktiesību birojs.
Riga, 13 February 2006. Organized by TAIEX.
Jerusalem, 7-10 January 2006. Organized by: International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians.
Riga, 22 October 2005. Organized by the Commission of Strategic Analysis of the President of the Republic of Latvia, the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Riga Graduate School of Law.
Riga, 16 August 2005. Organized by the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies.