Seminar on Prevention of statelessness and protection of stateless persons within the European Union
Brussels, 26 June 2007. Organized by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament.
Brussels, 26 June 2007. Organized by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament.
Rīga, 1.06.2007. Organizēja Resursu centrs sievietēm “Marta” un “Mozaika”.
Riga, 26-27 May 2007. Organized by The Baltic Forum.
Рига, 17 марта 2007. Организатор: Seminarium Hortus Humanitatis.
Riga, 22 February 2007. Organized by the Latvian Anti-Fascist Committee.
Brussels, 5-6 February 2007. Organized by the German Presidency of the EU.
Rīga, 4.12.2006. Organizēja: Valsts Cilvektiesību birojs un Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia.
Riga, 20 November 2006. Organized by Goethe-Institut Riga.
Rīga, 27.10.2006. Organizēja Valsts cilvēktiesību birojs.
Rīga, 23.08.2006, organizēja Riga Graduate School of Law.