New Democracies in the Old World: Remarks on Will Kymlicka’s Approach to Nation-building in Post-Communist Europe

Will Kymlicka and Magda Opalski (eds). Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp.154-170.

EU Enlargement and the Protection of National Minorities: Opportunities, Myths, and Prospects

OSI’s EU Accession Monitoring and Advocacy Program (EUMAP) featured article, 2001.

Mazākumgrupu (minoritāšu) integrācijas aspekti Latvijā (with Ineta Ziemele, Aina Antāne, Ilmārs Mežs, Nils Muižnieks)

Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes Cilvēktiesību institūts, 2001, 106 p.

Значение интеграции общества во внешней и внутренней политике Латвии

С.Ознобищев и И.Юргенс (ред.). Россия – Балтия. Доклады СВОП. Материалы конференции. Москва: Совет по внешней и оборонной политике, 2001, стр.285-298.

Представительство и участие как механизмы обеспечения идентичности

Н.Гиренко (ред.). Индивидуальные и коллективные права национальных меньшинств в условиях процесса глобализации. Санкт-Петербург: “Гражданский контроль”, 2000, стр.85-95.

Minority Rights in the Baltics

Speaking about Rights. Canadian Human Rights Foundation Newsletter, Montreal, vol.XIV, No.2, 1999, pp.8-9.

Nation-building and ethnic integration in Latvia (with Aina Antāne)

P.Kolsto (ed.). Nation-Building and Ethnic Integration in Post-Soviet Societies: An Investigation of Latvia and Kazakhstan. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1999, pp.63-152.

Valoda un izglītība integrācijas procesa

Nacionālās attiecības un nacionālā politika Latvijā. Domas un vērtējumi. Rīga: Latvijas Inteliģences apvienība, 1998, 42.-48.lpp.

“Russians” in the Newly Independent States: A bibliography on conflicts and preventive diplomacy (with Hanne-Margret Birchenbach)

Kiel: Schleswig-Holsteiniches Institut fur Friedenswissenschaften am der Christian-Albrechts- Universitat, SCHIFF-texte, special issue. 1998, 80 p.

Judicial, legislative and educational approaches to overcome discrimination in the Baltic countries

The New Yalta: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights in RBEC region. New York: Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS of the UN Development Programme, 1998, pp.127-138.