Article 8

The Parties undertake to recognize that every person belonging to a national minority has the right to manifest his or her religion or belief and to establish religions institutions, organizations and associations.

159. Crimean Tatars are the biggest Muslim group in Ukraine. The Muftiat of Muslims of Crimea was established in 1991. More than 150 local Muslim communities are united by this umbrella. The most important problem is that authorities try to prevent the giving back to these communities the buildings which were confiscated earlier or to put forward any conditions for this restitution such as to buy the new houses for present inhabitants or owners of these buildings etc. Periodically the articles or communications of anti-Muslim character appear in news-papers. Mostly they are published in private Mass-Media however State officials don't react to that anti-Muslim propaganda as a rule.
160. See information under article 5th as well.
