Article 9

1 The Parties undertake to recognise that the right to freedom of expression of every person' belonging to a national minority includes freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and Ideas in the minority language, without interference by public authorities and regardless of frontiers. The Parties shall ensure, within the framework of their legal systems, that persons belonging to a national minority are not discriminated against in their access to the media.

2 Paragraph 1 shall not prevent Parties from requiring the licensing, without discrimination and based on objective criteria, of sound radio and television broadcasting, or cinema enterprises.

3 The Parties shall not hinder the creation and the use of printed media by persons belonging to national minorities. In the legal framework of sound radio and television broadcasting, they shall ensure, as far as possible, and taking into account the provisions of paragraph 1, that persons belonging to national minorities are granted the possibility of creating and using their own media.

4 In the framework of their legal systems, the Parties shall adopt adequate measures in order to facilitate access to the media for persong belonging to national minorities and in order to promote tolerance and permit cultural pluralism.

H. Article 9 Paragraphs 1,2,3 and 4.

In addition to what has been stated under in paras E(c) and (d) above, please note the following:

(a) One of the conditions for granting a radio or television station license is the respect of democracy and human rights.

(b) Only one radio and television station is state owned, and this is run by an independent corporation.

(c) There are several daily, weekly and other-newspapers and periodicals, all of which are privately owned.

(d) Article 19 of the Constitution affords to every person the right of freedom of speech and expression in any form, which expressly includes the right of freedom to hold opinions, and impart and receive information and ideas, without interference by any public authority and regardless of frontiers.
