Article 3

1 Every person belonging to a national minority shall have the right freely to choose to be treated or not to be treated as such and no disadvantage shall result from this choice or from the exercise of the rights which are connected to that choice.

2 Persons belonging to national minorities may exercise the rights and enjoy the freedoms flowing from the principles enshrined in the present framework Convention individually as well as in community with others.

Article 3

1. Other than the Constitution of Cyprus, which refers to "Communities" and "religious groups" (see Para D of Part I of this Report), and which does not in any event refer to them as "minorities" or "national minorities", there is no domestic Law which purports to give a definition of the term "national minority", or which enumerates groups as "national minorities".

2. For the reasons given in para B of Part I of this Report, the provisions of the Framework Convention are applied to all ethnic groups referred to in para. D.

3. There is no legal or other restriction on the exercise by the said groups, of the rights, and engjoyment of the freedoms, whether individually or as a group, flowing from the principles of the Framework Convention. As already explained under para. F.3 of Part I, the Convention is directly applicable, has superior force to municipal Law, and can be invoked by any person belonging to the said groups and can be enforced by the Courts.
