Human rights and minority related NGOs in Azerbaijan
Compiled by Telman Yolchiyev, NGO Support Center in Azerbaijan,
Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan (Azärbaycan Insan Hüquqlari Müdafiä Märkäzi) - HRCA
Address: 165-3, Baschir Safaroglu street, Baku 370000, Azerbaijan
Tel.: +994-12-973233
Fax: +994-12-942471
Lots of materials on legislation on human rights, reports and bulletins of HRCA on human rights, migration, refugees, political prisoners and more, reports of other organizations, useful contacts in Azerbaijan, useful software
Contact Person: Eldar Zeynalov
Humanitarian Informational Analytical Agency "Saniya"
Address: Baku, 6 Rafili str.
Tel: (99412) 623740, 958368
Fax: (99412) 623740, 958368
Main Focus: Carrying out projects on study of
different aspects of humanitarian spheres development (human rights,
ecology, women and children, mass-media, migration, health, science,
culture & sport).
Main sphere is migration issues.
Contact Person: Elchin Sardarov
Solidarity Society of Peoples of Azerbaijan "Sodruzhestvo"
Address: Baku, 9 Inshaatchilar av.
Tel: 958368 (ISAR)
Main Focus: Support for democratic reforms, development of civil and right
consciousness. Humanitarian aid. Defense of human rights.
Contact Person: Faik Manafov
"Gala" Society
Address: Lenkoran, 21 Sh. Akhundov str
Tel: 55879
Main Focus: Study, propaganda and conservation
of historical-cultural heritage of Lenkoran region.
Contact Person: Jabbarly I.
Lezgiy National Center "Samur"
Address: Baku, 24-7 Bakikhanov str.; Gusary, 48 Stakhanov
Tel: (99412) 948818
Main Focus: Defense, propaganda, introduction of
cultural esthetical interests of lezgi ethnos.
Contact Person: Ali Musayev
Jewish Women's Society of Azerbaijan
Address: Baku, 370072, 77, Sh.Badalbeily st.
Tel: (99412) 945102, 963627
Main Focus: Charitable work. Humanitarian aid
to impoverished, elderly. Distribution and rent of medicines and
medical equipment. Humanitarian work in kindregardens. Patronage
work in the home.
Contact Person: Larisa Reykhrudel
"Vatan" Turks-Meskhetians Organization
Address: Baku, 135 Ingilab str.
Tel: (99412) 649934
Main Focus: Turks-Meskhetians rights defense.
Solving their social and employment problems. Activities for
preservation and development of national traditions and culture.
Children health and education.
Contact Person: Ibragim Burkhanov
Society "Chirag-Gala"
Address: Siazan, 38 Tofik Ismailov str. apt#10
Tel: 50809
Main Focus: Support for economic and social
reforms in north-eastern part of Azerbaijan. Actions for support
of culture of people living in this region.
Contact Persons: Shabal Mamedov, Jeyhun Rakhmanov
Charity Center "Havva"
Address: Baku, 171 Dilara Aliyeva str. - Sinagoga
Tel: (99412) 930752, 941573, 945040
Fax: (99412) 936098
Main Focus: Humanitarian aid. Providing poor
strata of population by medicines, clothes. Charitable actions:
concerts, dinners. Lectures, seminars.
Contact Person: Solmaz Yusifova
Association of Afghan Students
Address: Baku, Azerbaijan av., "Yuzhnaya" Hotel, room #415
Tel: (99412) 984382
Main Focus: To help Afghan refugees and disabled
participants of Afghan War; Humanitarian aid for Afghan students.
Contact Person: Zaman Gaznovi, Said Alihan
Kurdish Cultural Center "Ronahi"
Address: Baku, Moscow av. 81
Tel: (99412) 676520
Main Focus: To help refugees; to strengthen
Azerbaijan-Kurdish friendship; to conduct researches concerning
Kurdish history and culture.
Contact Person: Kamil Gasanov
ISAR: Azerbaijan NGO Support Center
Society for Humanitarian Researches: Human Rights in Azerbaijan