MINELRES: The ERRC invites applications for an External Evaluator
Wed Mar 24 19:51:23 2010
Original sender: European Roma Rights Centre <errc@errc.org>
BUDAPEST, 18 MARCH 2010: The ERRC is commissioning an external
evaluation of its work. The evaluation report produced by the monitor
will cover the work of the ERRC during the period 2005-2010, focusing
primarily on a number of Roma rights issues such as violence against
Roma; segregation in education and housing; forced evictions;
discrimination in the access to health care; and children�s rights and
women�s rights issues. The evaluation will assess the ERRC�s
organisation, methods and impact in individual cases and jurisprudence,
enforcement mechanisms, policies and programs and their translation into
systemic change in the target countries. The geographic scope may
include any country where ERRC has been active, but need cover only a
representative sampling of these countries and of work in these
The deadline for applications is 17:00 on 31 March 2010.
Purpose of the evaluation
I) Evaluate the outcome, impact, relevance, effectiveness (including, if
feasible, notions of cost-effectiveness), and sustainability of the
ERRC�s programmatic activities.
II) Provide recommendations for improving the programmatic activities of
the organisation in view of the concepts above.
Timeframe and reporting
The evaluation will be conducted between April 15 and May 15, 2010. A
draft report shall be submitted to the ERRC by the 15th of June 2010.
ERRC will provide additional documents/comments by June, the 30th. The
final report will be submitted to ERRC no later than July 15th, 2010.
The report will be shared with the Swedish International Development
In conducting the external evaluation, the evaluator will determine and
examine all relevant documentation, as well as other ERRC publications
and materials, which can be found on the ERRC web site:
http://www.errc.org or which can be provided by the ERRC office. The
evaluation can include interviews with the present and past management
and senior staff, present and past members of the governing board, donor
representatives, key Roma organizations and leading human rights
activists and organizations, as appropriate. The evaluator will work
closely with the Senior Staff and the Managing Director in developing
the work plan and methodology. ERRC staff will provide additional
logistical support to the evaluator, including providing contacts and
arranging meetings, as required.
Requirements for bidders
- Evaluation experience (at least two prior evaluations completed of
relevance to this assignment);
- Experience of result-based management;
- Experience in litigation, advocacy, capacity building etc;
- Experience working on Roma rights issues and legal advocacy; and
- Experience working in the target countries.
The ERRC has a total budget of 7,500 EUR available for this work.
A fuller description of this work is available HERE:
http://www.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk=3076 .
How to apply
Interested parties should submit the following:
- A detailed CV, including a list of relevant experience and two
relevant professional references;
- A two page summary of the proposed method of evaluation, time frame
and draft work plan; and
- Budget breakdown, including expenses (estimated number of days of
work: 25).
Candidates should submit their documents via email to Csilla M Farkas
at: csilla.farkas@errc.org. The message should be entitled: ERRC
Evaluator. Only complete applications will be considered and only
shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
The ERRC is committed to equal opportunity for all. Romani candidates
are particularly encouraged to apply.
� ERRC 2010. All rights reserved
The European Roma Rights Centre is an international public interest law
organisation which monitors the human rights situation of Roma and
provides legal defence in cases of human rights abuse. For more
information about the European Roma Rights Centre, visit the ERRC on the
web at: http://www.errc.org
To support the ERRC, please visit this link:
European Roma Rights Centre
1016 Budapest
Naphegy ter 8
Tel: +36.1.413.2200
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