MINELRES: ECMI signs co-operation agreement with EURAC

[email protected] [email protected]
Sat Nov 14 20:07:02 2009

Original sender: William McKinney <[email protected]>

ECMI enters co-operation agreement with the European Academy (EURAC),

During a ceremony in Copenhagen on 6 November, the Chairman of ECMI, Dr.
Knud Larsen and the President of EURAC, Dr. Werner Stuflesser, have
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the future co-operation
between the two institutions. The MoU is seen as an opportunity for both
institutions to come closer together on European minority research and
project work as well as to support mutually ongoing and new efforts. The
two institutions also link the most northern and the most southern
German-speaking regions of Europe. The Institute for Minority Rights at
EURAC and ECMI have long standing relations and have co-operated on the
European Yearbook of Minority Issues and in library exchange as well as
on project research. With this new agreement, the institutions will be
able to co-operate at all levels of research, teaching, training and
publications work. 

The ceremony took place at the office of the German minority in Denmark,
Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger (BDN), and Dr. Werner Stuflesser was
afterwards guest at the Danish Parliament where he participated in a
luncheon hosted by ECMI and BDN.

Place and Date: 
Copenhagen, 06 November

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