MINELRES: Call for Applicants: ERRC Monitor for Czech Republic and Slovakia

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Sat Mar 28 17:45:02 2009

Original sender: European Roma Rights Centre <errc@errc.org>

Call for Applicants: ERRC Monitor for Czech Republic and Slovakia

The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) invites applications from
individuals to act as the ERRC Monitor in the Czech Republic and
Slovakia. The contracted individual will be requested to undertake work
in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and some travel will be
required (up to 25% of time). In line with ERRC priorities in Czech
Republic and Slovakia, the work will focus primarily on equal access to
education/desegregation, coercive sterilisation, access to adequate
housing and racist violence against Roma.

The ERRC is a public interest law organisation that defends the human
rights of Roma throughout Europe. The ERRC pursues its objectives by
engaging in legal defense, research and policy development, monitoring
and reporting, human rights education and international advocacy. 

Reliable, accurate and coherent first-hand research is the foundation of
all ERRC activities. ERRC monitors are responsible for investigating and
documenting human rights abuse of Roma in their countries of
responsibility, maintaining contact with relevant actors in their
country of responsibility to stay abreast of the most important
developments, regularly apprising the ERRC of important local
developments, acting as a liaison between the ERRC and local lawyers,
and working with ERRC staff members in Budapest to develop appropriate
responses to the most important concerns. 


� Regularly engaging in independent field investigation, including
taking testimony from Romani victims of human rights abuse, witnesses to
such abuse, relevant authorities, experts and other individuals able to
provide background information;
� Monitoring the media on Roma rights themes;
� Maintaining regular contact with human rights, service delivery and
other organisations with Roma beneficiaries, as well as local Romani and
mainstream press sources;
� Initiating and maintaining regular contact with lawyers working in the
field of Roma rights on specific cases;
� Reporting regularly to the ERRC on the above; and
� Other tasks as specified by the ERRC.


� A university degree, preferably in law, human rights, political
science or a related humanities or social science field;
� Extensive knowledge of and familiarity with issues facing Roma and
Romani communities;
� Experience in Roma rights/human rights monitoring;
� Verbal and written proficiency in both English and local language;
� Excellent interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills;
� Excellent organisational and time-management skills;
� Self-motivation and the ability to work under minimal supervision; and
� Knowledge of Romani preferred.

The selected candidate will work between half to full time, depending on
the final agreement with the ERRC. The fee for this position is subject
to negotiation and the selected individual will be provided with a
monthly expense allowance to facilitate their work.

Application procedure: 

Persons interested in the position should submit the following:

1. A statement outlining why s/he is interested in working as an ERRC
Monitor, how the individual would approach this work and the desired
2. Detailed curriculum vitae;
3. Two references.

Applications should be submitted to: 

Hajnalka Nemeth
European Roma Rights Centre
P.O. Box 906/93
1386 Budapest 62, Hungary
Fax: +36-1-413-2201
Email: hajnalka.nemeth@errc.org 

The final deadline for submitting applications is 15 April 2009. 

All applicants will be notified of our receipt of application; only
selected applicants will be contacted again. Short-listed candidates
will be required to participate in a formal interview. The offer will be
conditional upon the receipt of satisfactory references. 

The ERRC is committed to equal opportunity for all. Romani candidates
are particularly encouraged to apply.


The European Roma Rights Centre is an international public interest law
organisation which monitors the human rights situation of Roma and
provides legal defence in cases of human rights abuse. For more
information about the European Roma Rights Centre, visit the ERRC on the
web at http://www.errc.org 

To support the ERRC, please visit this link:

European Roma Rights Centre
1386 Budapest 62
P.O. Box 906/93
Tel: +36.1.413.2200

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