MINELRES: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - Roma Rights: The Global Economic Crisis and the Rising Profile of Nationalist and/or Racist Political Movements
Sat Mar 21 13:13:02 2009
Original sender: European Roma Rights Centre <errc@errc.org>
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - Roma Rights: The Global Economic Crisis and the
Rising Profile of Nationalist and/or Racist Political Movements
The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) seeks articles and other
submissions (book reviews, interviews with key figures and conference
reports) from a broad range of disciplines addressing the impact of
nationalist and/or racist politics and the global economic crisis on the
human rights situation of Romani communities in Europe.
According to various economists and other experts, a global economic
recession is underway, possibly the worst economic crisis since the
Great Depression. Some have hypothesised that Roma, as the most
marginalised and economically disadvantaged community of Europe, will
disproportionately experience the effects of the economic crisis both in
terms of economics and, more widely, respect for human rights.
Nationalist and/or racist movements appeared to be on the rise before
the eruption of the global economic crisis and far right political
parties have been scoring high in the polls across Europe, as evidenced
during the 2008 general elections in Austria and Italy. Moreover, far
right politics are entering the mainstream discourse through populist
rhetoric absorbed into centrist parties� speech and policy making. There
is growing concern that the deteriorating economic situation in Europe
may push right leaning segments of the population to lash out in
increasingly extreme ways against Romani communities, with growing
segments of the general public sympathising with nationalist or racist
groups, actions and policies. Recent events in the Czech Republic,
Hungary and Italy are already sounding alarm bells.
In this issue of Roma Rights, the ERRC seeks submissions which reflect
on and seek to provide answers to questions like:
- Is there a link between the global economic downturn and the perceived
rise of nationalist or racist politics, policies and actions against
Roma in Europe?
- Is there a rise in the popularity of nationalist or racist political
parties, figures or policies and what is the cause and impact?
- What is the likely impact of the global economic crisis on Romani
communities in Europe?
Can the track records of European governments to address the
disadvantaged economic and social situation of Roma be seen to have
influenced the current situation?
- Would targeted governmental investment in improving the economic
situation of Roma tangibly change or impact Europe�s deteriorated
economic situation and how?
- What, if any, differences are there in the dynamics of violence and
rhetoric against Roma before and after the global economic downturn?
- Does the media influence, positively or negatively, the experiences of
Roma in these times?
- What response by the European Union, other intergovernmental
institutions or national governments is needed or appropriate?
- Submissions addressing the theme from other perspectives are also
welcome. Specific country situations may be explored.
Full articles must be submitted to the ERRC by 1 May 2009. All
submissions will be reviewed by a committee of ERRC staff members who
will make the final selection of articles for publication.
Please send queries and submissions to the Coordinating Editor of Roma
Rights, Sinan Gokcen: sinan.gokcen@errc.org.
Submission guidelines
All submissions and accompanying materials must be written in British
Submissions must be in electronic form and accompanied by any relevant
graphics or pictures. Submissions must follow the ERRC Style Sheet.
The length of submissions should not exceed 6,000 words for articles and
2,500 words for other items (e.g. book reviews or conference reports),
inclusive of footnotes.
Footnote referencing should be utilised. Submissions with
bibliographical referencing will be sent back to authors for revision.
All contributions must be original, previously unpublished material.
The ERRC reserves the right to refuse publication of submissions at any
point prior to the publication of the Journal.
The ERRC is an international public interest law organisation engaging
in a range of activities to combat anti-Romani racism and human rights
abuse of Roma. The approach of the ERRC involves strategic litigation,
international advocacy, research and policy development, and human
rights training of Romani activists.
Roma Rights is the ERRC�s flagship journal. Published since 1996, Roma
Rights has provided a forum for critical discussion of some of the most
important human rights concerns of Roma in Europe. The journal is widely
distributed in Europe and highly respected as a resource in this field.
Each issue of Roma Rights is dedicated to a specific theme. All issues
of Roma Rights are available on the ERRC website.
The European Roma Rights Centre is an international public interest law
organisation which monitors the human rights situation of Roma and
provides legal defence in cases of human rights abuse. For more
information about the European Roma Rights Centre, visit the ERRC on the
web at http://www.errc.org
To support the ERRC, please visit this link:
European Roma Rights Centre
1386 Budapest 62
P.O. Box 906/93
Tel: +36.1.413.2200
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