MINELRES: Another terrible police attack to Crimean Tatars

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Wed Mar 4 20:56:01 2009

Original sender: Rustem Mamutoglu <abu-bakr@ukr.net>


Glaring incident in Crimean Tatar activist�s home 

On the night of February 22 in Sarayl1-Q1yat (Myrne) village, Aqmescit
(Simferopil) rayon, Crimea, the home of the Crimean Tatar national
movement�s Mustafa Hair (brother of well-known Crimean Tatar public
figure Izzet Hair) was attacked by officers of the special police squad
�Berkut�. Berkut officers knocked out windows and doors in house and
fired submachine guns during their storm. Taking by storm they used the
flash-bang grenade that wounded left hand of M. Hair. By night of
February 22, Crimean Tatar activist�s hand was amputated in a hospital.
His son Ayvaz also received grievous bodily injuries. 

The 1st Deputy Chairman of the Crimean Tatar Majlis Mr. Refat Cubar and
well-known Crimean Tatar lawyer, head of the Majlis legal department
Mrs. Emine Avamil informed by Hairs� relatives came immediately to scene
of actio. By their demand representatives of the Office of the Crimean
Public Prosecutor and the Main Board of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine
in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea came too. 

The Majlis of Crimean Tatar people made its strongly-worded statement by
which condemns militia's criminal action. The Majlis demands to
investigate the narrow search of this glaring incident at the home of
the Crimean Tatar activist and to punish guilty of the storm. 

The Main Board of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine in the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea has stated officially today that the house of Mustafa
Hair was stormed by a dreadful mistake. According to its statement,
Berkut officers confused an address of house that they should have

As QHA informed by wife of M.Hair, Mrs. Huriye Hair, representatives of
militia have said repeatedly her there has no need for shouting. Law
enforcers suggest to indemnify moral damage and to compensate all
physical trespasses: to repair their house, to cover expenses to medical
treatment for M. Hair and his son and others. In spite of persuasions
and calls from the Crimean militia, the Hairs do not intend to make no
Mrs. Huriye Hair said to QHA if they will renounce an judicial recourse
that they will not obtain justice. 


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