MINELRES: ERRC Call for Partners: Deadline Reminder

[email protected] [email protected]
Sat Jan 10 12:09:41 2009

Original sender: European Roma Rights Centre <[email protected]>


The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) invites applications from Romani
activists and organisations from Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro,
Romania, Serbia and Slovakia for partnership in a project on
anti-discrimination law and housing rights promotion and protection.
Romani women and Romani women�s organisations are particularly
encouraged to apply.

Applicants should be interested in participating in two five-day
capacitation workshops and undertaking monitoring and advocacy campaigns
in partnership with the ERRC during the next year and a half. 

The first training programme will take place during the last week of
February 2009 in Montenegro, and will focus on anti-discrimination law

The second training programme will take place mid-April in Montenegro,
and will focus on housing rights monitoring and advocacy. 

PLEASE NOTE: Of the persons invited to participate in the training
workshops, a maximum of two individuals or organisations per country
will be invited to take part in joint follow-up activities 

Profile of Participants
The capacity building segments of this project are congruent with the
ERRC�s human rights education mandate aimed at capacitating Romani
activists. We welcome applications from Romani individuals who are
interested in human rights in the countries listed above. Romani
organisations submitting applications must clearly indicate the proposed
candidates and their qualifications.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and must have a sufficient
command of English to enable them to actively participate. 

Applicants are preferably students of law, public administration and
social sciences, or hold a degree in one of these fields. The ERRC also
encourages activists who do not hold a formal degree to apply. 

The ERRC additionally welcomes applications by persons of Romani origin
engaging in human rights work on behalf of other disadvantaged groups.

Application Procedure

Applicants must:

1. Complete the application form provided below.
2. Provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor
familiar with the applicant's work, a community leader, church leader,
or their current employer. The letter should explain the nature of their
relationship, how long they have known the applicant and highlight the
main attributes of the applicant for the work in this project.
3. Submit a 250-500 word statement in English: 
� explaining any human rights/Roma rights activities in which they have
been involved to date
� expressing why they would like to participate in the project and how
relates to their studies or work in which they are already involved

Application Form

ERRC UNDEF Anti-Discrimination Law workshop 2009 Application Form:
ERRC UNDEF Housing Rights workshop 2009 Application Form:     
We kindly request that all materials be submitted to the ERRC in one
package. Applications missing one or more of these requirements will not
be considered by the selection committee.

Completed applications, clearly marked ERRC UNDEF Application, should be
submitted by email or fax to the attention of Dora Eke at:

Email: [email protected]

Fax: (+ 36 1) 413-2201 

The final deadline for all applications is 12 January 2009. Please take
note that this is an absolutely final deadline and any applications
received after this date shall not be considered.


Background Information

This work is part of a project being implemented by the ERRC, with
support from the UN Democracy Fund

The project�s overarching goal is to empower grassroots Romani
organisations to participate effectively in the process of developing
legal and policy tools for protection against discrimination as well as
to give prominence to issues of non-compliance of domestic law and
practice with international human rights standards. 

The actions aim at capacitating grassroots organisations in Albania,
Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia to support Romani
individuals in challenging racial discrimination; to campaign for the
adoption of anti-discrimination legislation in compliance with
international and European standards; and to campaign for adequate legal
protections against forced evictions. This project also aims to
sensitise law and policy-makers of the multiple disadvantages facing
Romani women and to reinforce targeted measures at national level for
the protection of the rights of Romani women.


The European Roma Rights Centre is an international public interest law
organisation which monitors the human rights situation of Roma and
provides legal defence in cases of human rights abuse. For more
information about the European Roma Rights Centre, visit the ERRC on the
web at http://www.errc.org 

To support the ERRC, please visit this link:

European Roma Rights Centre
1386 Budapest 62
P.O. Box 906/93
Tel: +36.1.413.2200

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