MINELRES: Fwd: CfA: ECMI, Director

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Wed Feb 25 20:52:01 2009

Original sender: Florian Bieber <balkans@gmx.net>

Call for applications

Director of the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)

The European Centre for Minority Issues is seeking to appoint a
Director to lead the institute. The European Centre for Minority
Issues is an independent research centre established by agreement
between the governments of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal
Republic of Germany and the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. ECMI's
aim is to promote interdisciplinary research on various dimensions of
minority-majority relations in a European perspective and to conduct
practice-oriented projects in this area. The working language of the
Centre is English. The Centre has a regular core budget of around
700.000 Euro per year which may be increased from 2010 onwards.
Together with externally raised funds, it has had over the past years
an operating budget of around 2.5 Million Euro.

The Centre has run major field operations in Eastern Europe, most
recently in Kosovo and Georgia. The two field offices established
there now operate independently from ECMI, although in contact and
cooperation with it. Headquarters staff consists of five academic
posts including the Director, and five administrative or support
staff. Several posts have been left unfilled, pending the arrival of
the new Director.

The Director is, in co-operation with the Executive Board and the
Chairman of the Board, responsible for the management of the Centre.
Requirements for the post include a well-established academic profile
in minority-majority relations, with experience in leading research
positions. An awareness of European standards in the field of minority
rights would be an advantage. A background in the acquisition and
implementation of externally funded projects would be an additional
asset, as well as a proven track record of advisory work to government
and international organizations.

The Director is expected to ensure an effective, efficient and
results-oriented organisation; he or she ensures the preparation of
medium-term projects, programmes and missions for adoption by the
decision-making bodies; supervises the organisation of meetings,
conferences, seminars, field missions etc, participates in the
preparation and running of such events; undertakes studies and
research; drafts documents such as memoranda, reports, correspondence
and speeches; manages the financial resources allocated to projects,
programmes and missions; negotiates and concludes contracts with
suppliers and consultants; monitors the outsourcing and subcontracting
of activities. He or she will also have a key role in expanding
funding relations with the European Union, the Council of Europe, the
OSCE and other organizations, governments and grant giving bodies.

To fulfil these tasks, the successful candidate will be able to boast
strong management skills and proven interpersonal skills. He or she
will lead and motivate team members, set objectives, allocate roles
and responsibilities in cooperation with subordinates; evaluate their
performance; facilitate internal communication; and foster
cooperation, team spirit and a harmonious working environment with a
view to increasing efficiency.

Applications should include a c.v., full professional details, a
complete list and 3 samples of publications, and be addressed to
Professor Dr Knud Larsen, Chairman of the ECMI Executive Board, c/o
Gisa Marehn, Schiffbr�cke 12, 24939 Flensburg, Germany, no later than
2 March 2009. An interview with short-listed candidates will be held
at ECMI headquarters in early April 2009. The successful candidate
will be expected to take up his or her posts on 1 October 2009, or as
soon thereafter as may be practicable.

For further information please contact Ms Gisa Marehn at
marehn@ecmi.de and consult the Centre Web-site, at www.ecmi.de.



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