MINELRES: Launch of ECRIs new Website

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Thu Feb 19 19:03:41 2009

Original sender: ECRI <Combat.Racism@coe.int>


Launch of ECRI�s new Website 

ECRI is pleased to inform you about the launch of its new website
available at www.coe.int/ecri .

Following a complete transformation of its design and structure,
information is now more easily retrievable and new content has been
added. Among the website's new key features are a section with special
theme files and a searchable HUDOC database, containing ECRI�s country
monitoring reports and General Policy Recommendations. 

ECRI hopes that this new website will be a useful tool for all our
partners in the fight against racism and racial discrimination.

In our efforts to continuously improve ECRI�s website, we would highly
appreciate and value feedback from our users.


WELCOME to ECRI�s listserve. This listserve has been created to inform
our key partners on a regular basis on the latest developments and
events concerning ECRI. Rapid reaction is key to combating racism
effectively on all levels and this listserve should therefore provide
our partners with up-to-date information to be used in their day-to-day


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