MINELRES: Citizenship, Democracy and Ethnocultural Diversity Newsletter No. 54, Fall 2009

[email protected] [email protected]
Wed Dec 23 14:50:01 2009

Original sender: Lise Charlebois <[email protected]>

Citizenship, Democracy and Ethnocultural Diversity 
of the Queen's Forum for Philosophy and Public Policy 
No. 54, Fall 2009


1. Introduction
2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Democracy and Diversity
3. Upcoming Conferences
4. Recent Publications
5. Call for Papers
6. Courses and Fellowships
7. Related Research Projects and Resources


The Forum for Philosophy and Public Policy at Queen's University is
organizing a multi-year, research project on citizenship, democracy and
minority rights in multiethnic states, under the direction of Prof. Will
Kymlicka. As part of this project, the Forum distributes a quarterly
newsletter updating recent developments in the field, of which this is
the fifty-fourth issue. We hope that it will be of interest to anyone
working in the field, whether in academia, public service, or
non-governmental organizations.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this newsletter,
please contact us at [email protected]. Back-issues of the newsletter are
posted on the Web on Will Kymlicka's home-page:


We are now inviting applications for the sixth year of the postdoctoral
fellowship program in "Democracy and Diversity" at Queen's University,
funded in part by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.  Each
year, one non-renewable 12-month fellowship will be awarded. The fellow
will work under the supervision of Prof. Will Kymlicka. The 2010-11
fellowship will start on July 1, 2010. Applicants must have submitted
their doctoral dissertation by that date, and must be within five years
of having received their doctorate. The salary for the postdoctoral
fellowship will be $34,000 (Canadian), which includes remuneration for
teaching a half-course in political philosophy or a cognate subject. The
fellowship is part of a larger nexus of activities at Queen's relating
to the normative and empirical study of democracy and diversity,
including the Forum for Philosophy and Public Policy; the Ethnicity and
Democratic Governance project (www.queensu.ca/edg/) the Fulbright
Visiting Professorship in Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multicultural
Citizenship; the Centre for the Study of Democracy; and the Institute of
Intergovernmental Relations - all of which have active programs of
workshops, conferences and visiting scholars and speakers. The Fellow
would be expected to participate in these various activities as
appropriate, including presentation of his or her research findings, and
to assist Prof. Kymlicka in the Forum's activities. While "Democracy and
Diversity" is to be understood expansively, and there are no
pre-determined limits on the topics it may cover, Queen's has a special
expertise in issues of ethnocultural diversity. Recent and ongoing
activities have covered such topics as immigration and citizenship,
multiculturalism and multicultural education, indigenous rights,
affirmative action, historic injustice, nationalism and secession,
language rights, and transnational democracy. Applicants who combine
normative analysis with empirical case studies are particularly welcome.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, together with a
statement of research interests, a teaching dossier, and a writing
sample. Applications should be sent to the Department of Philosophy,
Queen�s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6, to arrive by
February 1, 2010. It is the responsibility of the applicants to have
three letters of reference sent directly by their referees. References
may be mailed to the postal address above, or sent by email
to:[email protected]. Further information is available on the
Department's website:


The EUROSPHERE Project is hosting an international conference on
"Towards a Diverse European Public Sphere? Theoretical Puzzles and
Empirical Evidences", on 13 - 14 November 2009, in Osnabruck, Germany.
After almost three years of work, the EUROSPHERE project will present
its first results at the conference. The conference will focus on two
major thematic issues: Does a European Public Sphere (EPS) exist and how
can it be approached? What are the challenges and consequences of
diversity for EPS (and vice versa)? More information about the
conference, including the programme and registration, can be found at:
http://www.imis.uni-osnabrueck.de/EurosphereConference.htm. More
about the EUROSPHERE project can be found at:

The Naumann Stiftung and the European Centre for Minority Issues are
organizing an international conference on �Demos or Ethnos? Multi-Ethnic
Societies as Challenges to Liberal Democracy� in Hamburg, Germany on 20
November 2009. Since the 1980s, traditional democracies based on the
nation-state have been under siege, confronted by the model of
"multicultural democracy." However, there are also opposing tendencies
such as the strengthening of ethnic hegemony in what Sammy Smooha calls
regimes of "ethnic democracy", which combine the principle of equality
of all citizens with the recognition of special privileges for one
ethnic group. Since this concept has been developed, its application to
Israel and other multiethnic countries has been the subject of intense
discussion. These issues will be examined at the conference from the
standpoint of
democratic theory as well as political practice. Are so-called "ethnic
democracies" stable? How should rights of representation and
participation of various groups be regulated? Which provisions in
multiethnic societies have been found to contribute to peace and
stability? And what contributions can be made by supranational
organizations such as the European Union? Further details can be found
here: http://tinyurl.com/ykep8a6

The Ethnicity and Democratic Governance Project (EDG) is hosting its
second public conference on the theme of "Globalization, Urbanization,
and Ethnicity", on December 3rd - 4th, 2009 in Ottawa. With more than
half the human race living in cities for the first time in history, and
with the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural character of all major cities
increasing rapidly, the democratic governance of ethnic diversity at the
city level has become a major issue for scholars and policy-makers
alike. How can we govern cities in ways that maintain social cohesion
and draw on the assets of all cultural/ethnic groups in times of
increasing diversity? Speakers will examine this issue in a range of
contexts (Europe, North America, the Global South), looking not only at
"new" diversity due to immigration, but also at how migration is
affecting older ethnic, racial and religious cleavages within divided
cities. For more information, visit the conference website at:

The Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford is hosting an
international conference on "Deportation and the Development of
Citizenship", on 11-12 December 2009, convened by Dr Bridget Anderson
(COMPAS), Dr Matthew Gibney and Dr Emanuela Paoletti (RSC). The aim of
this conference is to encourage interdisciplinary and comparative
scholarship on deportation, broadly conceived as the lawful expulsion
power of states, both as an immigration control and as a social control
mechanism. The conference will serve as a vehicle for bringing together
scholars from a range of disciplines, including politics, sociology,
history, international relations, law, criminology and anthropology,
interested in the study of deportation. For more information, visit 

The Centre for Ethnicity and Citizenship at the University of Bristol is
hosting "The Politics of Misrecognition: An Interdisciplinary
Conference" on 22-23 January 2010. Keynote speakers include Axel
Honneth, Michel Seymour and Melissa Williams. What is 'misrecognition'
and why does it matter?  This conference aims to explore this question,
and to consider how the idea of misrecognition can help us understand
the interaction and political orientations of different cultures, social
movements and state policies. Conference organizers are Wendy Martineau
(University of Bristol), Nasar Meer (University of Southampton) and
Simon Thompson (University of the West of England, Bristol). For more
information,  visit:
http://www.bristol.ac.uk/sociology/ethnicitycitizenship/misrecognition ,
contact the organizers by email at: [email protected].

Jadavpur University is hosting a conference on "Land of Promise: Stories
of the Immigrant in Multicultural Canada" in Kolkata, India, from
February 3-5, 2010. The conference would like to initiate a dialogue
between the local and the global and highlight concerns within the
concept of Multiculturalism in Canada. It will also address the
dialectical relationship between race, gender and nation in the context
of contemporary politics, philosophies and literatures. Papers are
invited in all areas relating to the general theme of the conference and
can be sent by email to [email protected].  For more information,
contact Prof. Suchorita Chattopadhyay at the above email address or

NIpissing University is hosting a conference on the truth and
reconciliation process set up in Canada to deal with the legacy of
Aboriginal residential schools. The conference, entitled "Commissioning
Possibilities: Truth, Reconciliation and the Residential Schools", will
be held at Nipissing University, North Bay (Ontario), in the territory
of the Anishinabek Nation, from March 5-7, 2010. It will bring together
a range of communities � Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, scholarly,
activist, artistic, policy and service-oriented � to advance a series of
critical and constructive conversations about the possibilities of truth
and reconciliation. For more information, visit:
http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=170513, or
http://www.nipissingu.ca/TRCconference/, or send an email to Dr.
Rosemary Nagy
or Dr. Robinder Sehdev at [email protected]

The 12th Annual National Metropolis Conference will take place in
Montreal on March 18-21, 2010, on the theme �Immigration and Diversity:
Crossroads of Cultures, Engine of Economic Development�. The conference
will focus on immigration and inclusion, with a special attention to
issues of economic development and cultural diversity. For more
information, visit the conference website: 

The research centre MIGRINTER and MINORITYMEDIA at the University of
Poitiers are organizing an international conference on �An Alternative
Self-Representation: Ethnic Minority Media between hegemony and
resistance� on 18-19 March, 2010, in Poitiers, France. Keynote speakers
will include Sirma Bilge, Robin Cohen, and Daya Thussu. For more
information, visit:

One of the workshops at the 2010 ECPR (European Consortium for Political
Research) in Munster on 22-27 March 2010 will focus on "Ethno-linguistic
Mobilisation and Regional Languages in Europe: Towards Recognition?".
Although language is a fundamental issue in contemporary societies, it
remains relatively unaddressed by political scientists. The aim of this
workshop is to explore the different strategies used by linguistic
movements to make their regional languages recognised in Europe. From a
broader perspective, after the decline of the pure Westphalian state and
the rise of the neo-liberal state, are we witnessing the emergence of a
new model of the state in Europe, one characterised by a growing
language pluralism? Any such change is a matter of empirical
investigation and theoretical reflection � the dual aims of this
workshop. Prospective participants should send a proposal to one of the
workshop directors: Alistair Cole, Cardiff University
([email protected]) and Jean-Baptiste Harguindeguy, Centro de Estudios
Politicos y Constitucionales ([email protected]). For
more information visit:

The 7th Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies will be held at Wayne
State University, in Detroit on April 8-10, 2010, on the theme "Networks
and Citizenship". Citizenship requires networks and networks can confer
citizenship. The theme of the 2010 conference of the Center for the
Study of Citizenship explores the similarities and the tensions between
networks and citizenship in the past, present, and future. It also
considers how networks have shaped citizenship and how citizenship has
influenced the development of networks. Noted scholar Yochai Benkler
(Harvard University and author of The Wealth of Networks: How Social
Production Transforms Markets and Freedom) will give the keynote speech.
We welcome proposals from any time period or geographic area and across
the widest range of disciplines from faculty, graduate students, and
independent scholars. Questions should be directed to Marc W. Kruman,
[email protected]. For more information, visit:

The Centre for Refugee Studies at York University, Toronto is hosting
its Annual Student Conference on the theme �(Un) Routed Identities:
Borders, Boundaries, and Betweens� in Toronto on April 8-9, 2010.  This
event offers Graduate and Undergraduate Students across disciplines the
opportunity to discuss their research ideas with fellow students,
academics, professional, front-line practitioners, researchers and all
those interested in forced migration issues. Themes include Forced
Migration & the Refugee Process; Identity and Culture; Gender; Health
and Wellness; Children, Education and Social Services; Environment and
Development; Responsibility and Accountability; and State Boundaries and
Sovereignty. The best paper from the conference will be published in
Refuge, an internationally recognized scholarly journal on refugee
studies. Abstracts should be submitted electronically to
[email protected] by February 25, 2010. For more information, visit

The 15th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of
Nationalities (ASN) will be held on 15-17 April 2010 at Columbia
University, New York, on the theme of Call for Papers: "Nations and
States: On the Map and In the Mind". The ASN Convention, the most
attended international and inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its
kind, welcomes proposals on a wide range of topics related to
nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic conflict and national identity in Central
Europe, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union, the Caucasus, the Turkic
world, and Central Eurasia. The Convention also invites proposals
devoted to comparative perspectives on nationalism-related issues in
other regions of the world, as well as theoretical approaches that need
not be grounded in any particular geographic region. Disciplines
represented include political science, history, anthropology, sociology,
international studies, security studies, area studies, economics,
geography and geopolitics, sociolinguistics, literature, psychology, and
related fields. For more information, visit the conference website at

The Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) at the
University of Ottawa is hosting a conference on "Individual
Plurilingualism and Multilingual Communities in a context of official
bilingualism",  on April 29-30, 2010. The colloquium will examine the
evolution and future of individual plurilingualism within the
multilingual communities of Canada in a context of official
bilingualism. Canada, among the industrialized countries, has one of the
highest rates of bilingualism or individual plurilingualism in a context
of social multilingualism. The linguistic reality of the country is
imprinted by the coexistence of multiple communities whose members have
a variety of linguistic repertoires, not only Canadian official
languages (French and English) but also native languages and heritage
languages. This reality involves dynamics of languages in contact,
language use, language teaching, and language planning and policies. The
goal of this colloquium is to explore the present and the future of
these communities and their community institutions in the context of
official bilingualism. Proposals should be submitted by December 18,
2009 to http://www.olbi.uottawa.ca/call-conference2010.html. For more
information, contact Aline Germain-Rutherford at [email protected]

The Asian Law Institute (ASLI) and the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws,
International Islamic University, Malaysia are holding the 7th Annual
ASLI conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 25-26 May 2010 on the theme
of "Law in a Pluralist Asia: Challenges and Prospects". Asia is arguably
the most pluralist region in the world and law has a critical role in
accommodating and managing this plurality, which exists at so many
levels.The purpose of this annual conference is to bring together
scholars of Asian law from within and outside Asia to interact, share
ideas and build collegial networks which may facilitate ongoing dialogue
and research collaborations. Please visit the conference web site at:

The Department of Political Science at Stockholm Univeristy is
organizing a conference on "The Dynamics of Citizenship in the
Post-Political World" in Stockholm on May 26-28, 2010. This conference
invites scholars to theoretically, empirically, and critically study the
idea and reality of citizenship in the post-political world. It takes as
its point of departure two important processes�de-politicization and
politicization�and explores their impact on citizenship. The process of
�de-politicization� entails the decreasing centrality of the state
(nation-state parliamentary actors and government institutions) in
protecting and providing for its citizens, guaranteeing them social and
environmental rights, and regulating the allocation of common values and
resources in global society. The process of �politicization� concerns
the political responsibility given to non-governmental actors and
institutions as well as the political role of personal life and societal
roles other than the voter. There will be workshops on (1) citizenship
gaps; (2) post-political participation; (3) human rights and European
and global citizenship; (4) global economy and citizenship and (5)
citizenship as new notions of belonging and identity. Organized by
Michele Micheletti ( http://www.statsvet.su.se/micheletti). For more
information, visit the conference website:

The Center for Democracy in Aarau (Switzerland) will be hosting an
international conference called "Switzerland: A Nation-State or a
Multi-Nation State?" on May 7-8, 2010, convened by Marc Helbling and
Nenad Stojanovic. Is Switzerland a nation-state? If not, is it a
multinational state? Which elements are missing for Switzerland to
become a real nation-state? If yes, what kind of nation-state is
Switzerland? Does it constitute a nation-state comparable to those
surrounding it or should it be considered as a Sondernation, a �special
case�? From another perspective it might be asked whether Switzerland
defies some of the fundamental laws of nation-states. While some
consider Switzerland as a civic nation or a �nation of will� (because of
its alleged cultural heterogeneity), others clearly observe a case of
ethnic nationalism (because of its restrictive naturalization policy).
To what extent is the Swiss case suited to bringing out the limitations
of such typologies? Does the Swiss case provide an opportunity to revise
existing theories in nationalism? The conference will bring together
political scientists, sociologists, historians and social psychologists
from Switzerland, Western Europe and North America to discuss these
questions. For more information, contact Marc Helbling at:
[email protected]

There will be a special workshiop on "Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous
Peoples and Politics: Land, Territoriality & the Environment" during the
next annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, to be
held between June 1-3 2010 at Concordia University in Montreal. Inspired
by the 20th anniversary of the Oka Crisis, this daylong workshop will
explore issues of land, territoriality and the environment from the
perspective of research on race, ethnicity and Indigenous peoples. This
workshop aims to bring together scholars from different subfields and
participants from government, the public sector and the community and to
encourage innovative, crosscutting scholarly exchange on matters of
land, territoriality and environment. Paper proposals for this workshop
are most welcome! Beyond the usual call for papers, REIPP is
specifically seeking proposals connecting the study of race, ethnicity
and Indigenous peoples and advancing the discipline and its theoretical
and methodological underpinnings. For more information, visit the CPSA
website at: 

The CITSEE project (The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor
States of the Former Yugoslavia) is organising a conference on "Theories
and Practices of Citizenship in the New Balkan States" on June 24-25,
2010 at the University of Edinburgh. The principal goal of the
conference is to bring together the leading experts in the field to
present comparative studies related to the general theme of citizenship
in the new Balkan states (i.e.  new states that emerged in South East
Europe after the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991). We seek contributions
tackling theoretical issues related to citizenship in the former
Yugoslavia and its successor states, actual and historical practices of
citizenship in the region�ranging from inter-war Yugoslavia, socialist
Yugoslavia to Yugoslavia's break-up and formation of the new states
throughout the 1990s and the 2000s�Europeanisation of the citizenship
policies in the region and the general impact of the EU integration
perspective, as well as less-researched areas such as the relationship
between citizenship and gender, social movements, education, urbanism,
civil society, culture, literature, film etc. Please send an abstract
(max. 500 words) as well as a short bio note by 15 November 2009 to
[email protected]. For further information, please visit our website at: 

The Twenty-Seventh International Social Philosophy Conference sponsored
by the North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP), will take
place from July15 to July 17, 2010, at Ryerson University, Toronto,
Canada.  Special attention will be devoted to the theme: Poverty,
Markets, and Justice, but proposals in all areas of social philosophy
are welcome. A 300-500 word abstract should be emailed to all of the
program co- chairs. Submission Deadlines are for those living in Canada
or the U.S.: March 15, 2010, for those living outside the United States
and Canada: Jan. 15, 2010. Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously
to all three co-chairs of  the program committee: (1) Margaret Crouch,
Eastern Michigan University, [email protected]; (2) Lisa Schwartzman,
Department of Philosophy,  Michigan State University, [email protected];
and (3) Alex Wellington, Ryerson University, [email protected]. For
more information, visit the NASSP website:

The 10th International Conference on Diversity in Organisations,
Communities and Nations will be held at Queen's University Belfast,
Northern Ireland on 19-21 July 2010. The Diversity Conference has a
history of bringing together scholarly, government and practice-based
participants with an interest in the issues of diversity and community.
The Conference examines the concept of diversity as a positive aspect of
a globalised society that can be promoted without engendering its
alternatives: racism, conflict, discrimination and inequity. Diversity
as a mode of social existence can be projected in ways that deepen the
range of human experience. The Conference will seek to explore the full
range of what diversity means and explore modes of diversity in
real-life situations of living together in community. Full details of
the Conference, including an online proposal submission form, are to be
found at the Conference website: 

The fourth annual workshop of the Centre for International and Public
Law at the Australian National University will focus on "Connecting
International and Public Law, Allegiance and Identity in a Globalised
World", to be held at the ANU in Canberra on July 19th-21st 2010. This
workshop focuses on the impact of the movement of people on the concepts
of allegiance and identity within a globalised world and its impact on
law and policy at the domestic and international levels. The intention
of the workshop is to explore how law, philosophy, psychology and other
disciplines engage with the concepts of allegiance and identity so that
the engagement can enrich public and international law's frameworks for
categorising membership, in the context of the large-scale movement of
people throughout the globe. The deadline to submit an abstract (of
between 200-500 words maximum) for a paper addressing any of the issues
raised by the topic of the workshop is 12 March 2010. For more
information, please see:

The Twelfth International Conference of the International Academy of
Linguistic Law, in cooperation with the University of the Free State in
Bloemfontein (South Africa), will be held from October 31st to November
4th, 2010 on the theme of "Law,  Languages and Multilingual States", at
the Black Mountain Hotel, in South Africa. Proposals for papers on the
above mentioned theme must be received by December 15th, 2009 and may be
sent by email to [email protected]. For further details, visit:


Books (prices in $US)

Agunias, Dovelyn Rannveig (ed.) (2009) Closing the Distance: How
Governments Can Strengthen Ties with Their Diasporas (Migration Policy
Institute), $19.95

Ackelsberg, Martha (2009) Resisting Citizenship: Feminist Essays on
Politics, Community and Democracy (Routledge), $39.95

Baker, Gideon and Bartelson, Jens (ed.) (2009) The Future of Political
Community (Routledge), $117.45

Bhattacharyya, Gargi (ed.) (2009) Ethnicities and Values in a Changing
World (Ashgate), $99.95

Bennett, Fred (2009), Multicultural Citizenship or Citizenship in a
Multicultural Polity: The Liberal State and Cultural Diversity:
Defending Benign Neglect (VDM Verlag), $113.00

Bernstein, Steven and Coleman, William D. (eds.) (2009) Unsettled
Legitimacy: Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era
(UBC Press), $32.95

Chambers, Samuel A. and Carver, Terrell (2009) William E. Connoly:
Democracy, Pluralism and Political Theory (Routledge), $155.00

Coleman, Stephen and Jay G. Blumler (2009) The Internet and Democratic
Citizenship: Theory, Practice and Policy  (Cambridge UP) $80.00

Dimova-Cookson, Maria and Stirk, Peter (eds) (2009) Multiculturalism and
Moral Conflict (Routledge), $140.00

Dolejsiova, Ditta and Lopez, Miguel Angel Garcia (eds.) (2009) European
citizenship - In the process of construction - Challenges for
citizenship, citizenship education and democratic practice in Europe
(Council of Europe), $78.00

Eisenberg, Avigail (2009) Reasons of Identity: A Normative Guide to the
Political and Legal Assessment of Identity Claims (Oxford University
Press), $100

Evans, Fred (2009) The Multivoiced Body:  Society and Communication in
the Age of Diversity (Columbia University Press) $45

Finlayson, Alan (ed) (2009) Democracy and Pluralism: The Political
Thought of William Connolly (Routledge), $115.87

Gagnon, Alain (2009) The Case for Multinational Federalism: Beyond the
All-encompassing Nation (Routledge), $115.00

Howard, Marc (2009) The Politics of Citizenship in Europe (Cambridge
University Press), $22.49

Karolewski, Ireneusz (2009) Citizenship and Collective Identity in
Europe (Routledge), $115.00

Labelle, Micheline, Francois Rocher et Rachad Antonius (2009).
Immigration, diversite et securite. Les associations arabo-musulmanes
face a l'Etat au Canada et au Quebec (Presses de l'Universite du Quebec)

Manby, Bronwen (2009) Struggles for Citizenship in Africa (Zed Books),

McBridge, Cillian (2009) Culture and Democracy: Public Reasoning and
Political Inclusion (Routledge), $117.69

Nagle, John (2009) Multiculturalism's Double-Bind: Creating Inclusivity,
Cosmopolitanism and Difference (Ashgate), $99.95

Nelson, Scott (2009) Sovereignty and the Limits of the Liberal
Imagination (Routledge), $110.56

Nieuwenhuysen, John, Higley J., and Neerup, S. (eds.) (2009) Nations of
Immigrants: Australia and the USA Compared (Edward Elgar), $95.00

Pestana, Christina, Campbell, Katia, and Swartz, Omar (2009)
Neo-Pragmatism, Communication, and the Culture of Creative Democracy
(Peter Lang), $32.95

Quataert, Jean H. (2009) Advocating Dignity: Human Rights Mobilizations
in Global Politics (U. Penn Press), $59.95

Steiner, Niklaus (2009) International Migration and Citizenship Today
(Routledge) $42.95

Shaw, Karena (2008) Indigeneity and Political Theory: Sovereignty and
the Limits of the Political (Routledge), $44.95

Weber, Anne (2009) Manual on hate speech (Council of Europe)

Journal Special Issues

The current issue of "The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in
Contemporary Politics" (Vol. 7/3, 2009) focuses on "The Politics of
Immigration Reform". Authors include Daniel Tichenor, Ben Marquez and
John Witte, Randall Hansen, Peter Schuck, Peter Skerry, Jack Citrin and
Matthew Wright, and Gary Freeman. See 

A recent issue of Ethnicities (Vol. 9/3, 2009) contained a special issue
on "The Muhammad Cartoons Controversy in Comparative Perspective", with
articles by Lasse Lindekilde, Per Mouritsen, and Ricard Zapata-Barrero,
Sune L?gaard, Nasar Meer and Per Mouritsen, Goran Larsson and Lasse
Lindekilde, Frauke Miera and Valerie Sala Pala, Thomas Olesen, Geoffrey
Brahm Levey and Tariq Modood.

The Fall 2009 issue of The Hedgehog Review (Vol. 11/3) contains a
symposium on "The Cosmopolitan Predicament", with essays by Joshua J.
Yates, Seyla Benhabib, Anthony D. Smith, John M. Headley, Rob Riemen,
William H. McNeill and an interview with Kwame Anthony Appiah.

A new issue of  the Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in
Europe (Isssue #1, 2009) focuses on Civil War and Conflicts,
guest-edited by Dorte Andersen, Ulrike Barten, and Peter S. Jensen,
Issue 1/2009. The special issue can be found at:

There is a symposium on "Diasporas, Cultures and Identities" in a recent
issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 32/8 (2009), edited by Martin
Bulmer and John Solomos, with articles by Kenneth D. Wald, Ayumi
Takenaka, Christina Boswell and Oana Ciobanu, Janine Dahinden, Oscar
Prieto-Flores, Pieter Bevelander and Ravi Pendakur, Gunnar B. Scheibner;
Todd G. Morrison, Rahsaan Maxwell, Willibrord de Graaf and Kaj van

There is a symposium on "EU Conflict Management", in Ethnopolitics Vol.
8, #3-4 (2009) guest-edited by James Hughes, with articles by Christalla
Yakinthou, Claire Gordon, Sofia Sebastian, Zoran Ilievski and Dane
Taleski, Gwendolyn Sasse, Nathalie Tocci and Catherine Gegout.


The Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution (JLCR) is a new
multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published monthly by Academic
Journals (
http://www.academicjournals.org/JLCR). JLCR welcomes the submission of
manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and
scientific excellence, and will publish: Original articles in basic and
applied research, case studies, critical reviews, surveys, opinions,
commentaries and essays. We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to
[email protected] for publication in the monthly issue. Our objective
is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four
weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be
published in the next issue. Instruction for authors and other details
are available on our website;
http://www.academicjournals.org/JLCR/Instruction.htm. JLCR is an Open
Access Journal.

The journal Diversity is organizing a special issue on "Ethnic Diversity
and Cultural Pluralism" (www.mdpi.com/journal/diversity/), guest-edited
by Dr. Lionel Obadia. This issue aims to bring together a collection of
research papers or conceptual essays exploring the vast array of
theoretical and methodological questions regarding the relationship
between �cultural pluralism� and �ethnic diversity�. Issues include
political programs aiming at either the recognition or the overlooking
of human differences, national or regional perspectives on the
characterization of the �ethnic�, qualitative and quantitative
approaches towards diversity (techniques, limits, prospects), and the
strategic aspects beneath ethnicity labels and/or claims. The call for
papers for this special issue can be found at:
www.mdpi.com/journal/diversity/special_issues/ethnic-diversity/. The
deadline for manuscript submissions is 31 March 2010.

The new Journal of Internal Displacement has announced a call for papers
for its inaugural volume on the topic of "Internal Displacement:
Definitions, Scope, Theories and Concepts". The term "Internally
Displaced People" (IDPs), unlike "Refugee", is relatively new but has
become the central focus of scholarly and non-scholarly debates around
the globe. Questions include (1) who should be included in the
definition of internal displacement, (2) whether Internal Displacement
Law should be enacted, and (3) whose responsibility it is to protect
IDPs. Academics, civil society groups, humanitarian agencies, refugee
practitioners, lawyers and policy makers have created numerous camps,
each defining and understanding the concept from their disciplines. For
more information, visit 
http://www.scholarlyexchange.org/ojs/index.php/JID/index, or
direct questions to Veronica Fynn, [email protected].


The University of Bologna together with the University of Graz, The New
Bulgarian University of Sofia and the University of Primorska are
launching a new International PhD Programme in Diversity Management and
Governance leading to a Joint Degree. The three-year English-taught
Programme offers specialized interdisciplinary and comparative academic
training in the study of various forms of diversity, be it ethnic,
cultural, linguistic, regional, religious, social or sexual orientation,
and its management. Conflict prevention and management theories,
reconstruction and reconciliation of divided societies after violent
conflicts and political tensions, integration policies and the
establishment of good governance throughout Europe are in focus in this
Joint PhD Programme. For details, see the web page in English on 
www.uni-graz.at/joineusee, and at www.eurobalk.net under the section
"activities/education/trainings", or by contacting Ms Dessislava
[email protected]


UNESCO has just released its World Report on Cultural Diversity. This
newest World Report is focused on cultural diversity as a source of
renewal for public policies relating to development, social cohesion and
peace. Based on the analysis of recent initiatives, concrete examples,
case studies and successful practices, the World Report aims to address
the manifold aspects of cultural diversity, critically review common
notions and assumptions, and propose policy-oriented recommendations on
topics as diverse as identities and dialogue, the future of languages
and intercultural education, media pluralism and cultural industries,
the business world, local knowledge, biodiversity, sustainable
development, governance and human rights. While the promotion of
cultural diversity has taken on increasing visibility on the
international scene, it often continues to be perceived as a threat to
the cohesion of increasingly diversified societies. Hence, the need to
elucidate the conditions under which cultural diversity can constitute a
positive contribution to development and peace. The World Report is
available on line at:

The new Canadian Committee on Migration, Ethnicity and Transnationalism
(CCMET) was established in June 2009, during the annual meeting of the
Canadian Historical Association (CHA). It was created to foster and
facilitate collaboration among historians working in this field. Through
its listserv, it circulates details about upcoming conferences, requests
for panel participants, and calls for papers. Those interested in the
history of migrations, ethnicity, transnationalism and related subjects
are invited to join the CCMET at website
http://groups.google.com/group/CHA-MET. For more information, contact
Ms. Laura Madokoro at [email protected]. 

The Research Chair in Immigation, Ethnicity and Citizenship (CRIEC) at
the University of Quebec in Montreal, created in 2008, has established a
new website ( http://www.criec.uqam.ca), with information on the
research team, activities, and related documentation and resources. 

The Social Science Research Network has added a new database on Law and
Religion, edited by Robert F. Cochran, Director of the Herbert and
Elinor Nootbaar Institute on Law, Religion, and Ethics at Pepperdine
University School of Law. The database includes a broad range of
religious and legal voices on the relationship between law and religion.
For more information, visit
http://www.ssrn.com/link/Law-Religion.html. To subscribe, visit:

The EDUMIGROM project ("Ethnic differences in education and diverging
prospects for urban youth in an enlarged Europe"), launched in March
2008, has now produced two sets of country reports on education and on
ethnic relations. The 16 background reports provide contextual
background and present detailed information on a wide spectrum of
policies and policy outcomes that relate to the inclusion of minority
ethnic youth as well as to segregation and forms of discrimination (in
short, the lack or failures of policies of inclusion). The reports have
been uploaded on the project website: 
www.edumigrom.eu/publications. Based on the background reports,
cross-country teams have produced three comparative reports on
Education, Ethnic Relations, and Education Policies for Inclusion. These
reports sum up experiences on educational systems and ethnic relations
shaping the space for education for multiethnic/diverse communities in
old and new member states of the EU. These papers have also been posted
on the project website. 

The CITSEE (The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor States
of the Former Yugoslavia) is a study of the citizenship regimes of the
seven successor states of the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia). It is funded
by an Advanced Investigator Award for basic research by the European
Research Council and runs for five years from 1 April 2009. CITSEE
involves a large multi-national and multi-disciplinary group of
researchers based at the University of Edinburgh, led by Jo Shaw
(Salvesen Chair of European Institutions) and Igor Stiks (Postdoctoral
Fellow). Website: 

The "Peace Media Clearinghouse" is a joint project of the U.S. Institute
of Peace (USIP) and Georgetown University's Conflict Resolution Program,
and is designed as a resource for peacemakers and multicultural
specialists. The Clearinghouse website ( http://peacemedia.usip.org)
contains documentaries, films, shows, podcasts, songs, video games, and
other multimedia about peace and conflict management; for use in work as
educators, trainers, practitioners, policy makers, or students. It
covers a wide range of topics, such as conflict prevention, nonviolence,
post-conflict reconstruction, refugees, child soldiers, rule of law,
religion, climate change, terrorism, and much more; searchable by
region, country, media type, and issue area. 

The Peace and Collaborative Development Network is an online initiative
to bring together professionals, academics and students involved in
Conflict Resolution, Human Rights, International Development,
Democratization, Social Entrepreneurship and related fields. The network
fosters interaction between individuals and organizations around the
world and currently has over 7200 members. The site is a networking tool
where you can find local and international partners and practitioners,
share resources, read guides to careers, scholarships, internships,
funding, and IT resources in the field, and exchange best practices.
Discussion topics and personal blogs can be posted. The site also has a
video section where members can access and view videos related to the
field. Membership is free: 

The international Cities of Migration project (
www.citiesofmigration.ca) seeks to improve local integration practice in
major immigrant receiving cities worldwide through information sharing
and learning exchange. The Cities of Migration website is anchored by a
collection of �Good Ideas in Integration.� These profiles showcase good
city-level integration practices that provide innovative and practical
solutions to common problems and challenges. Under the themes of Work,
Live, Learn, Connect and Plan, users will discover Good Ideas in the
integration of urban migrants that can be adapted locally or inspire new
thinking in this important dimension of city prosperity and growth.

The European Democracy Observatory on Citizenship (EUDO CITIZENSHIP) is
a new project that provides comprehensive analyses and data on
citizenship laws and policies in all EU member states and six
neighbouring countries. It is headquartered at the European University
Institute, directed by Rainer Baubock.  In Europe, each country follows
its own rules in determining who its citizens are. However, the
nationals of member states of the European Union are also EU citizens
who enjoy rights of free movement and political participation throughout
the Union. The EUDO CITIZENSHIP observatory compares the ways in which
citizenship can be acquired and lost and documents policy trends such as
the growing toleration of dual citizenship, the introduction of
naturalisation tests, or the number of countries in which citizenship
can be acquired through birth in the territory. The observatory features
expert reports on the history and current regulation of citizenship in
each country, searchable databases on nationality laws and international
legal norms, a comprehensive bibliography, a forum for debates, a
selection of news from the media and other useful tools and information
for policy makers, NGOs and academics with an interest in citizenship
policies. The project is funded by the European Commission's European
Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals. The project website

The Club de Madrid, an international association of former heads of
state, has released a set of documents regarding its �Shared Societies
Project�, which aims at �building a world safe for difference�. Drawing
upon examples from around the world of �democratic leadership for
dialogue, diversity and social cohesion�, the Project outlines a series
of 10 Commitments for societies aiming to managing ethnic, racial and
religious diversity. The Project website also contains a number of
resources and background documents on diversity and social cohesion. See


If you would like to announce a new research project, publication, call
for papers,  or upcoming conference in a future issue of this
newsletter, please contact us at [email protected], or you can write
to the Forum for Philosophy and Public Policy, Department of Philosophy,
Queen's University, Watson Hall 313, Kingston Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada.
Fax: 613-533-6545.

Special thanks to Octavian Busuioc for research help, and to Lise
Charlebois for help with the distribution of the

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