MINELRES: Reminder Mercator Network conference
Fri Aug 28 19:19:01 2009
Original sender: Marjan Hoogeveen <mhoogeveen@fryske-akademy.nl>
Last chance to register for the Mercator Network conference on
September 17 � 18, 2009
�Developments in the curriculum of language teaching and learning, at
primary school level and in secondary education�
Registration closes Friday, September 4.
At this conference a vital interaction between local and international
policy-makers, language planning professionals and those involved in
language transfer and teaching will take place in form of productive
Confirmed speakers are, amongst others, Guus Extra of the Tilburg
University about �Inclusive perspectives in minority languages in
multicultural Europe� and Helmut Vollmer on behalf of the Council of
Europe about the �Languages of Schooling project�.
For more information please visit the Mercator Network website for the
programme and registration:
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