MINELRES: FRA Press Release: EU MIDIS - FRA survey sheds new light on extent of racism in the EU

[email protected] [email protected]
Thu Apr 23 18:26:21 2009

Original sender: EU FRA <[email protected]>

EU MIDIS: FRA survey sheds new light on extent of racism in the EU

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) releases today
results of the first ever EU-wide survey on immigrant and ethnic
minority groups� experiences of discrimination and racist crime. The
survey reveals that discrimination, harassment and racially motivated
violence are far more widespread than recorded in official statistics.
The results suggest a sense of resignation among ethnic minorities and
immigrants who appear to lack confidence in mechanisms to protect
victims. FRA Director Morten Kjaerum: �The survey reveals how large the
�dark figure� of racist crime and discrimination really is in the EU.
Official racism figures only show the tip of the iceberg�.

55% of migrants and minorities surveyed by the FRA think that
discrimination based on ethnic origin is widespread in their country,
and 37% say that they have personally experienced discrimination in the
past 12 months. 12% personally experienced a racist crime in the past 12
months. However, 80% of these did not report the incident to the police.
Roma reported the highest levels of discrimination, with one in two
respondents saying that they were discriminated against in the last 12
months. High levels of discrimination were also mentioned by Sub-Saharan
Africans (41%) and North Africans (36%).

Read more on http://fra.europa.eu/eu-midis/

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