MINELRES: Durban Review Conference - MRG event 24 April - Racism, counter-terrorism and discrimination against Muslims

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Wed Apr 22 20:01:41 2009

Original sender: Emma Eastwood <Emma.Eastwood@mrgmail.org>

Minority Rights Group International
and the 
International Commission of Jurists 

invite you to a side event at the Durban Review Conference

Racism, counter-terrorism and discrimination against Muslims: action
beyond Durban

24 April 2009
10:00 � 12:00
Room XXV, Palais des Nations


Asma Jahangir, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion
or Belief 
Gerald Staberock, Director, Global Security and the Rule of Law
Initiative, International Commission of Jurists 
Kevin Boyle,  Professor of International Law at Essex University and
former Special Adviser to the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights 
Massoud Shadjareh, Chair, Islamic Human Rights Commission 
chaired by Mark Lattimer, Executive Director, Minority Rights Group

Days after the Durban conference, the attacks of 9/11 significantly
changed global security priorities, and with it the perception of
minority communities, in particular Muslim communities.
Counter-terrorism measures since have led to allegations of racial
profiling, attacks on freedom of religion, expression and association,
and grave violations of rights to physical integrity. 

This event will consider the human rights implications of these
developments which were largely unforeseen at the time of the Durban
Declaration and Plan of Action. It will consider whether there is the
start of a consensus emerging now on what action can be taken post the
Durban Review Conference to help safeguard the rights of vulnerable
communities while preventing terrorism and other forms of violent

For more information contact:

Farah Mihlar - MRG Media Officer
T: +44 207 422 4205
M: +44 7870 596 863

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