MINELRES: Equalitynews: Equality in European Cities; EU Gender Equality Law Publication
Wed Apr 15 19:42:22 2009
Original sender: Equalitynews <info@equalitynews.eu>
On the 2nd of April 2009, the Senate of Berlin will be hosting the
<http://www.inticities.eu/en/conferences/> in cooperation with
EUROCITIES <http://www.eurocities.eu/main.php> and the European
Commission, DG Justice, Freedom and Security
The conference, which will be held at the Berlin City Hall, is set to
focus on the role of diversity management and equal opportunities in
local integration policy. Panel discussions will focus on finding
effective means for cities to successfully implement policies for
diversity management and equal opportunities.
The conference will bring together representatives from academia,
migrant communities, the private sector and the media, as well as key
national and European policy-makers. European Commission Vice-President
and Commissioner for DG Justice, Freedom and Security, Jacques Barrot
and European Commissioner for DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal
Opportunities<http://ec.europa.eu/social/home.jsp?langId=en>, Vladimir
Spidla are set to attend. The Governing Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit,
and high-level delegations from the cities of Leeds, London, Amsterdam,
Rotterdam, Rome, Paris, Berlin and others will also be attending.
INTEGRATING CITIES is based on a partnership between EUROCITIES and the
European Commission, aimed at promoting integration through dialogue.
INTEGRATING CITIES III forms part of the EUROCITIES project "Diversity
and Equality in European Cities" (DIVE), coa��financed by the European
Commission DG Justice, Freedom and Security. For more information on the
conference itself and the INTEGRATING CITIES project, please click here.
EU Gender Equality Law Publication
This recent publication
provides a general overview of gender equality law at the EU level. The
publication includes a brief description of the historical development
of EU gender equality law, followed by an overview of the relevant EC
Treaty Articles and legislation. This legislation covers equal pay and
equal treatment for men and women in employment, statutory social
security, occupational social security schemes, self-employment and
access to and the supply of goods and services.
A number of central concepts of EU gender equality law, such as direct
and indirect discrimination and their interpretation by the European
Court of Justice, are also discussed in the publication. The European
Court of Justice has played a very important role in the field of equal
treatment between men and women by ensuring that individuals can
effectively invoke and enforce their right to gender equality.
This publication offers an overview of the most important case law in
this area. It concludes with a consideration of certain vital aspects
relating to the enforcement of EU gender equality law and some brief
general observations.
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publications in the area of non-discrimination. Subscribe, update your
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