MINELRES: Fwd: CfP: Rethinking Ethnicity and Ethnic Strife: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Budapest, September 25-27, 2008

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Mon Mar 10 08:56:04 2008

Original sender: Balkan Academic News <[email protected]>

Call for Papers

Rethinking Ethnicity and Ethnic Strife: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Budapest, September 25-27, 2008

Ethnicity and ethnic strife continue to dominate the political
economy, politics and society of many countries, especially those in
the developing world.  From extreme manifestations of civil war and
genocide, through the periodic "ethnic riots" that disfigure the
social and political landscape, to the quotidian politics of ethnic
allegiance, ethnicity has come to the forefront of the development
discourse.  Not surprisingly, academic researchers in economics,
sociology, anthropology and political science have over the last
decade and half given special attention to this subfield and produced
fresh theoretical and empirical insights that have enriched the
debate in each of these disciplines.

What is surprising, however, is how little systematic communication,
let alone interaction, there is between researchers across these
disciplines.  Part of the reason, of course, has to do with the
disciplinary languages and boundaries that make interdisciplinary
communication difficult.  But part of the reason is also quite simply
the lack of venues for interaction between researchers from different
disciplines.  This conference aims to provide such a venue.  Over
three days, researchers in economics, sociology, anthropology and
political science will present their research to each other, and try
to learn from each other's methodologies, perspectives and empirical

The conference is being organized by Ravi Kanbur, Professor of
Economics at Cornell University, Prem Kumar Rajaram, Associate
Professor of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the Central
European University, and Ashutosh Varshney, Professor of Political
Science at the University of Michigan.

The organizers invite submissions of completed papers or substantial
abstracts (5-7 pages) from the full range of social science
disciplines. Possible themes for the papers include:

* Emergence and transformation of ethnicity

* Globalization, ethnicity and ethnic strife

* Ethnicity and the state

* Ethnicity and public goods

* Ethnic fragmentation and economic growth

* Privileged and marginalised identities

* Decentering ethnicity

* Factors promoting, or dampening, ethnic violence

* Ethnic strife and identity formation

* Religion versus ethnicity in politics

These themes are listed only for illustration. The organizers will
consider submissions on a wide range of themes and topics, provided
they address the central issues of ethnicity and ethnic strife.

It is the organizers intention to publish an edited volume with a
high quality University Press, and/or a special issue of a major
journal.  Papers presented at the conference will be considered.  We
believe such a volume, perhaps the first that bridges several
different disciplines in the study of ethnicity, will have a major
research and policy impact.

Submission should be sent electronically to Krisztina Bradeanu
([email protected]) by April 15, 2008. Selection decisions will be
communicated by June 15, 2008. Conference version of the papers will
be expected to be delivered by September 1, 2008.


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