MINELRES: Invitation: MRG report launch - July 1, Brussels

[email protected] [email protected]
Thu Jun 26 16:49:06 2008

Original sender: Evelin Verhas <[email protected]>

Pushing for Change? 
South East Europe�s Minorities in the EU Progress Reports 

Invitation to the Brussels launch of Minority Rights Group
International�s report

Dushana Zdravkova, MEP, and  
Minority Rights Group International

Tuesday 1 July 2008, from 10:00 to 13:15
Monnet Room
Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel
Rue de la Loi 107, Brussels.

The event is followed by a lunch.

Acknowledging that the EU�s annual progress reports offer a unique
opportunity to improve the lives of the region's marginalised
minorities, the study examines how three crucial areas of minority
rights issues - participation in public life, employment and education -
are addressed in the Commission report. 

The research has shown that minority protection has not been given the
necessary priority in the EU Reports. The EU has not been consistent in
its criticism across the different countries and across the different
minority groups. Representatives of minority communities and minority
civil society involved in the research process have found the EU Reports
superficial in the choice of issues covered, and in their relevance for
minorities. Another weakness identified by the study is that the EU
lacks an institutionalized mechanism allowing for structured and
systematic involvement of the SEE minority communities in the accession
process. Based on the findings, the report presents a range of
recommendations aimed at improving minority inclusion in the EU
accession process of the Western Balkans.

Chair: Mark Lattimer, Director, MRG 

Keynote speaker: Dushana Zdravkova, MEP


Snjezana Bokulic and Galina Kostadinova, authors, MRG
Aleksandra Bojadzieva, Roma Democratic Development Association Sonce,
Nedjeljka Sindik, Libertask, Montenegro
Gazmen Salijevic, Roma and Ashkali Documentation Centre, Kosovo
European Commission (TBC)

Followed by a Question and Answer


Evelin Verhas Europe and Central Asia Programme Associate 
Minority Rights Group Europe 
HU-1016 Budapest, Berc u. 13-15. 
Tel: +36 1 279-5766 Fax: +36 1 279-5772 
e-mail: [email protected] 

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positive impact on indigenous and minority communities worldwide

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