MINELRES: CfP: European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 7 (2008)

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Fri Jun 13 15:12:24 2008

Original sender: William McKinney <mckinney@ecmi.de>

Call for submissions
to the
European Yearbook of Minority Issues 
Vol. 7 (2008)

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
General Editors: 
Arie Bloed, Rainer Hofmann, Joseph Marko, James Mayall, John Packer,
Athanasia Spiliopoulou Akermark, Marc Weller

The European Yearbook of Minority Issues is a peer-reviewed publication
that provides a critical and timely review of contemporary developments
in minority-majority relations in Europe at a high scholarly level. It
combines analysis, commentary and documentation in relation to diversity
and conflict management, international and domestic legal developments,
as well as political and social changes and trends affecting minorities
in Europe. Apart from providing a unique annual overview of minority
issues for both scholars and practitioners in this field, the Yearbook
will be an indispensable reference tool for libraries, research
institute as well as governments and international organizations. 

Types of submission:

General article: 
General articles are analyses at high scholarly level from all social
sciences of general questions relating to the protection of minorities,
prefereably but not necessarily linked to developments, discussions or
events that are taking place in the period under consideration, i.e. the
year 2008. General articles are between 5.000 and 8.000 words long. 

Focus article: 
One focus in the forthcoming yearbook will be dedicated to the topic
"Democracy and Minority Governance". Authors are invited to submit
contributions concerning the participation of minorities in democratic
governance at national and in particular at regional and local level.
Articles on economic participation of minorities are particularly
welcome. Focus articles are between 5.000 and 8.000 words long.

Report on national developments:
Reports on national developments review developments of minority
legislation and policy at domestic level in the period under
consideration, i.e. in the year 2008. Authors are invited to submit
English versions of discussed legislation. Reports are about 3.000 words

Book review: 
Book reviews give a report about the book and engage in a critical
intellectual assessment of the book's contents. Book reviews are between
600 and 1.500 words long. 

Authors interested to submit a general article, focus article or report
of national developments submit an abstract of 200-300 words to the
co-managing editors Emma Lantschner (emma.lantschner@eurac.edu) and Tim
Dertwinkel (dertwinkel@ecmi.de). They will be informed in the course of
two weeks, whether their proposal has been accepted or not. Submitted
articles will be peer-reviewed. The final decision on the publication of
the article will depend on the result of this process. 

- for submission of abstracts: 18 July 2008
- for general and focus articles: 3 October 2008
- for reports on national developments and book reviews: 5 December

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