MINELRES: CfP: Inaugural issue of OMNES: Journal of Migration and Society
Tue Aug 26 09:26:01 2008
Original sender: OMNES <omnes@sookmyung.ac.kr>
Sookmyung Institute for Multicultural Studies invites manuscripts for
the inaugural issue of OMNES: Journal of Migration and Society to be
published biannually from 2009. OMNES welcomes submissions from
academics and professionals in the fields of the humanities, social
sciences, business, arts and education. The scope of the journal covers
themes such as the global movement of people, human security related to
migration, multicultural societies, identity, nationalism, citizenship,
ethnicity, diversity, social conflict and cohesion, and relevant
topics. Deadline for submission is November 30th, 2008. If you wish to
submit a manuscript, please send us the title or a one-paragraph
outline. For more information, please see the attached files or send an
email to omnes@sm.ac.kr.
Sookmyung Institute for Multicultural Studies, Sookmyung University,
Yongsan-Ku, Seoul 140-742, Korea
OMNES: Journal of Migration and Society
Authors should submit manuscripts according to the following procedures.
Only the title should appear on the first page of the manuscript, and a
separate cover page with title, author's name, affiliation and contact
information should be attached. In cases of multiple authorships, we
need the preceding information for each of the authors, but one author
should be clearly designated as the contact author. Once designated,
that individual will receive all communication from OMNES. Submit the
manuscript on line as an e-mail attachment to omnes@sm.ac.kr. E-mail
submissions will not be returned. Copyright on contributions passes to
OMNES upon publication.
Manuscript Length and Style
A manuscript may be up to 10,000 words including notes and references,
and an additional 500 word abstract. The manuscript pages should be
numbered consecutively, including tables, graphs, and appendices. All
the text, endnotes, bibliographic citations, and appendix materials in a
manuscript must be double spaced and printed in a 10 point Times Roman
font. Tables may be single-spaced. Tables and figures should be printed
at the end of the manuscript, each one on a separate page. Authors
should submit manuscripts following the reference styles in the examples
below. For specific formatting style of citations and references, please
refer to articles in the most recent issue of the OMNES. For unusual
style or formatting issues, you may wish to consult the latest edition
of The Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.; Chicago: Univ. of Chicago
Press, 2003).
References in Text
1. References within the text should include, in parentheses, last name
of author, year of publication and paging where necessary: (Birt,
2. If the author's name appears in the text, only the year and paging
are enclosed in parentheses: Tetlock's study (1985).
3. References to more than one work in a single year by the same author
are distinguished by letters following the year: (Herrmann, 1985a,
4. For more than two authors, use "et al.": (Kuklilnski et al., 1991).
5. Authors with same last name are distinguished by first initial: (A.
Baron, 1989) (S. Baron, 1986).
6. Footnotes should be used only for substantive comments. Do not
integrate footnotes into the text but provide them at the end of the
List all references alphabetically by author, by year of publication
beginning with the most recent. Examples follow:
Guiraudon, Virginie. 2000. "European Integration and Migration Policy:
Vertical Policy-Making as Venue Shopping." Journal of Common Market
Studies Vol.38(2):251-271.
Iyengar, Shanto and Donald R. Kinder. 1987. News That Matters. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Review Article
Authors may review articles or other "texts" in order to show how these
materials illuminate a larger conceptual or normative concern. Review
articles vary in length, averaging about 8,000 words (10 journal pages).
While review articles sometimes originate in proposals submitted to the
editorial office, many result from invitations that our book review
editor extends to specific authors. In either case, the editor and book
review editor collaborate in the editorial process for review articles.
Book Review
Book Review publishes single, double, and triple book reviews (typically
1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 words respectively). It also publishes symposia,
critical exchanges, and review essays. The Review section neither
accepts unsolicited reviews nor does it accept requests to review
particular books. All pieces published in the Book Review section are
commissioned and edited by the
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