MINELRES: Roma Rights 3, 2007: Perceptions
Fri Nov 30 15:39:03 2007
Original sender: European Roma Rights Centre <errc@errc.org>
Roma Rights 3, 2007: Perceptions
Stereotypes take on a life of their own once they emerge from Pandora�s
box. Distorted perceptions are mirrored onto ethnic and racial groups
and inflict psychological wounds on individuals that are cast as
belonging to those groups. The end result is collective marginalisation
or collective oppression. This issue of Roma Rights explores the
"perceptions" of Roma which are present in certain fields and societies.
Amongst the contributors, Claude Cahn debates the implications of stigma
attached to "Gypsyness" within Romani communities with regard to
addressing human rights matters in his article, "The Unseen Powers:
Perception, Stigma and Roma Rights". Alternatively, in his article "In
the Eye of the Beholder: Contemporary Perceptions of Roma in Europe",
Larry Olomoofe writes on how Roma are perceived in contemporary European
societies. Adrian Marsh�s "Research and the Many Representations of
Romani Identity" narrates the historiography of Romani studies and how
Roma are perceived in the academic field. In a case study presented in
his article "The Perception of Gypsies in Turkish Society", Suat
Koluk?r?k pursues a historical and sociological viewpoint of how Roma
perceived in Turkey. Andras Kadar analyses the way legislation reflects
Roma and their specific problems through the looking glass of the
Hungarian legal system in his article, "Roma and Law: A Semi-Pessimistic
Overview". Finally, Henry Scicluna discusses racist rhetoric related to
Roma in his article "Anti-Romani Speech in Europe�s Public Space: The
Mechanism of Hate Speech".
Pictures in Our Heads
Sinan Gokcen
The Unseen Powers: Perception, Stigma and Roma Rights
Claude Cahn
In the Eye of the Beholder: Contemporary Perceptions of Roma in Europe
Larry Olomoofe
Research and the Many Representations of Romani Identity
Adrian Marsh
The Perception of Gypsies in Turkish Society
Suat Kolukirik
Roma and Law: A Semi-Pessimistic Overview
Andras Kadar
Anti-Romani Speech in Europe�s Public Space � The Mechanism of Hate
Henry Scicluna
News Roundup: Snapshots from around Europe
Bulgaria * Czech Republic * European Union * Finland * France * Greece *
Hungary * Ireland * Italy * Macedonia * Romania * Serbia * Slovakia *
Spain * Sweden * Turkey * United Kingdom
�Law is Key But Attitudes Are Just As Important�
Interview with Dr Jeno Kaltenbach
ERRC Advocacy Action Around the UN Committee on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights� Review of Hungary
Larry Olomoofe
Human Rights Education
ERRC Training for Kosovo Officials Highlight the Difficulties of
International Human Rights Treaties
James Duesterberg
Legal Defense
Positive Duties to Combat Violent Hate Crime After Secic v. Croatia
Constantin Cojocariu
Between Litigation and Freedom of Speech
Leonid Raihman
Meet the ERRC
New Legal Director Highlights Opportunities Under Anti-Discrimination
Law to Challenge Racism Against Roma
Geraldine Scullion
Romani Language Publication
Socialo Inkluzia Maskar
Sociale Servisura
The European Roma Rights Centre is an international public interest law
organisation which monitors the human rights situation of Roma and
provides legal defence in cases of human rights abuse. For more
information about the European Roma Rights Centre, visit the ERRC on the
web at http://www.errc.org
To support the ERRC, please visit this link:
European Roma Rights Centre
1386 Budapest 62
P.O. Box 906/93
Tel: +36.1.413.2200
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