MINELRES: Estonia: LICHR report on police actions during mass disturbances in Tallinn in April 2007

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Fri Jun 15 16:11:07 2007

Original sender: Aleksei Semjonov <centre@lichr.ee>

Dear Sir/Madame,

Legal Information Centre for Human Rights has made the Report on
complaints regarding the actions of law enforcement bodies in the
process of mass disturbances in Tallinn on 26-29 April 2007. As from 30
April 2007, the Legal Information Centre for Human Rights started
collecting on �hot line� communications from people, who considered
themselves victims of police actions in the process of breaking up the
meeting in Tonismagi on 26 April 2007, and also in the process of
putting down the disturbances, triggered thereafter. Altogether, there
were more than 50 appeals recorded, the majority of which were later,
with the help of collaborators of the Centre, executed and delivered as
official complaints to Chancellor of Justice and/or Public Prosecutor�s

We have to notice with regret that police and Public Prosecutor�s Office
have not as yet manifested any aspiration to critically approach the
investigation into behaviour of law enforcement officers in the process
of April events. Taking shape is the tendency to refuse to bring action
regarding the facts presented in applications, depriving us of the
possibility to seek their analysis in the course of an impartial
investigation, among others judicial. The objective of the present
report is to assist as far as possible for such analysis from the side
of human rights community, which is important for development of Estonia
as a state, based on rule of law.

The Report is presented in Estonian, Russian, and English languages on
the LICHR web-site:

http://www.lichr.ee/new/apr-eng.doc (English)
http://www.lichr.ee/new/apr-rus.doc (Russian)
http://www.lichr.ee/new/apr-est.doc (Estonian)

Sincerely yours,

Aleksei Semjonov

Legal Information Centre for Human Rights

Inimoiguste Teabekeskus
Nunne 2
Tel 6464 270
Fax 6464 272

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