MINELRES: New job opening at Roma Education Fund: Fundraising Consultant wanted

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Sat Jul 28 15:41:43 2007

Original sender: Alexandre Marc <info@romaeducationfund.org>

Consultant - Communications Analyst

Terms of References


In January 2005, the Roma Education Fund (REF) came into existence as a
Swiss Foundation with the goal of closing the education outcome gap
between Roma and non-Roma children in Central and Eastern Europe.

At the donor conference in Paris in December 2004, co-chaired by the
World Bank, OSI, and the Council of Europe Development Bank, 13 donors
committed EUR 34 million of funding to the REF.  This EUR 34 million
constituted REF's "seed funds" to start up operations and help mobilize
further funding. In 2005, the REF Office in Budapest was set up and
necessary staff recruited. 

After two years of successful operations a new communication and
fundraising strategy was developed and approved by the Board during its
meeting of June 14, 2007. The implementation of the Fundraising Strategy
is the next priority for REF for 2007-2009. As a first step, the REF
management has decided to recruit a consultant for its new fundraising
team, whose terms of references are described below.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Consultant will contribute to advancing the implementation of REF's
Fundraising Strategy.  More specifically, the Consultant will form part
of REF's new fundraising team and will carry out different
communications activities.  These will include, among others, the
following tasks:

� Monitoring and drafting grant applications in English. This will be
the principal task of the Consultant, in cooperation with other REF
� Contributing to renewing donor relations with existing donors and
establishing cooperation with new ones, including everyday
correspondence and communications. 
� Engaging in REF's external and strategic communications activities,
including drafting articles, reports, and other information materials
presenting REF for external audiences.


� University diploma in journalism, communications or similar fields.
� Excellent English language knowledge, both written and oral.
� Experience in writing grant applications in English.
� Excellent ability to synthesize information in written form.
� Around 5 years of work experiences, preferably in a multi-cultural
� Experience in working with Roma affairs, social inclusion and/or
education is a plus.
� Ability to work under pressure and long hours, if necessary.
� Location in Budapest. (The candidate should be based already in
� Roma origin is a plus.


The Consultant will report directly to the Director of the Fund.


Please send letter of interest in English and CV with three references
to Vbodoczky@romaeducationfund.org before 12 August, 2007. 

Detailed information on REF can be found at

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