MINELRES: CfA: Reminder: NGO training on the CoE Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Sat Apr 14 08:09:02 2007
Original sender: MRG Europe <MRG.Europe@mrgmail.org>
NGO Training session on the Framework Convention for the Protection of
National Minorities of the Council of Europe: The Framework Convention
as an Advocacy Tool
The Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of
National Minorities
Minority Rights Group International
Strasbourg, 16 – 20 June 2007
Call for Applications
The Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of
National Minorities of the Directorate General of Human Rights of the
Council of Europe and Minority Rights Group International are organising
a training session for NGOs on the use of the Framework Convention for
the Protection of National Minorities as an advocacy tool. This training
session will be held in Strasbourg, France, from 16 to 20 June 2007. The
training session will aim to support and strengthen NGO participation in
the Framework Convention monitoring process and to ensure its effective
implementation in the field.
The objectives of the training session are to:
Build capacity of target groups to advocate successfully for effective
implementation of the Framework Convention by providing information on
its content and monitoring mechanism;
Provide support to participants to identify ways in which NGOs can best
contribute to the monitoring of the implementation of the Framework
Convention, both at the domestic and European level;
Identify opportunities for in-country follow-up, focusing on involvement
in the state reporting process, producing shadow reports and related
The programme is based on participatory training methodologies and will
include group work, discussions, expert presentations and case studies.
The training session will provide an overview of international
instruments and mechanisms for minority protection with an in-depth
focus on the Framework Convention, its monitoring mechanisms and
opportunities for civil society to contribute to strengthening the
implementation of the Framework Convention in the field.
Countries covered: The NGO training sessions have traditionally focused
on selected countries, according to the stage of the Framework
Convention monitoring process in respect of the countries concerned.
Accordingly, this year’s training will involve NGOs from Albania,
Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine.
Participants: Participation of 15 NGO representatives from the above
target countries is expected. Participants will be selected on the basis
of their organisation’s institutional capacity and commitment to raising
awareness of minority rights and monitoring the implementation of
international instruments, specifically the Framework Convention.
Participants will also be selected on the basis of their own
professional experience.
Priority will be given to NGOs who:
prioritise advocacy for the protection of minority rights. International
experience is not necessary, but experience and organisational
commitment to working on minority protection at the domestic level is
are interested in producing shadow reports on the Framework Convention
and future involvement in the state reporting process.
NGO representatives applying to the training session must be staff
members of their organisations, and should have:
experience in advocacy work;
commitment to human and minority rights;
support from the management of their organisation to undertake work on
monitoring the Framework Convention.
The organisers will aim for the widest possible range of participants
from the target countries, which would include a high proportion of
representatives of minority communities and a gender balance.
Participants will be selected on the basis of their application and the
above organisational and professional selection criteria. Only one
participant from any one organisation will be selected.
Funding: The Council of Europe will cover the costs for the selected
participants including travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses.
Participants’ obligations: Full attendance at the training session is
compulsory. Candidates who are not able to attend the training session
in its entirety shall be deemed ineligible. In addition, the selected
candidates will receive a pre-training assignment to complete and submit
before the start of the training session. The reimbursement of costs and
the award of the certificate of completion are contingent upon full and
effective participation in the training session.
Applications: To apply, please complete the application form and return
to MRG.Europe@mrgmail.org by 23 April 2007. The application form is
available from www.coe.int/minorities and
Group applications will not be considered. For inquiries write to
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