MINELRES: CoE/EC Dosta! Campaign video competition

[email protected] [email protected]
Mon Sep 18 17:49:23 2006

Original sender: Michael Guet <[email protected]>

Dosta! Campaign video competition

We would like to draw your attention on a Council of Europe/European
Commission video competition open to your country. The video competition
is part of the awareness raising campaign on Roma "Dosta!: There is
nothing scary about Roma except your prejudices". 

Dosta! campaign aims to break down deep-rooted prejudices and
stereotypes, which are unfortunately still present among the majority
population throughout the European continent, by promoting a positive
image of Roma. 

The video-competition addresses artists, art academies/schools, NGOS and
video amateurs. We invite them to produce a short video (maximum 20
minutes) promoting the basic campaign messages:

- Roma have rights and aspirations like everybody else. They are
citizens of the countries they live in and they have to be recognized as
such, in the full respect of their citizenship and human rights.

- Roma culture is part of Europe's cultural heritage and it has
contributed to the enrichment of European societies. It is now time to
recognize this contribution.

The videos can be mute or filmed in any language of the countries
directly involved in Dosta! campaign (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Montenegro, Serbia and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia")
and/or Romani, but should be subtitled in English. The videos can be
existing productions and can be submitted by citizens or entities based
in any Council of Europe member state; however, they must reflect the
reality of the countries involved in the campaign.

Selected productions will be posted on the Dosta! website,
A jury will choose the best videos and a prize giving ceremony will be
organized by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, during the week of
Romani movies. The jury will be composed of artists, broadcasters,
Council of Europe representatives and representatives of Roma

First prize 2000 Euros, second prize 1000 euros, third prize 500 euros.
Deadline for submitting the videos: 30 September 2006

The winning productions will be distributed free of charge to the
participating TV stations and used by the Council of Europe and its

Address: Council of Europe Roma and Travellers Division
Contact person: Ivana D'Alessandro

We encourage you to spread it through your network. More information on
www.dosta.org or [email protected]

Michael GUET
Head of the Roma and Travellers Division
DG III - Social Cohesion
Council of Europe
Tel.: + 33 3 90 21 49 63
Fax: + 33 3 88 41 27 31
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.coe.int/romatravellers
Awareness-raising campaign against Anti-Gypsyism: http://www.dosta.org

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