MINELRES: New ECMI Monograph on Roms in Macedonia

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Mon Mar 27 20:22:29 2006

Original sender: William McKinney <mckinney@ecmi.de>

European Centre for Minority Issues. Roms on Integration:
Analyses and Recommendations. ECMI Monograph #3,
March 2006, 120 pp.

This volume, available in English and in Macedonian, contains the first
research reports of the Romani Expert Groups for Romani Integration.
Drawing on extensive background research and consultation with local
stakeholders, four core areas were distinguished for the purpose of the
needs assessment: Education; Health; Civil rights; and Employment. ECMI
thanks the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
for its generous support. ECMI hopes that the reports in this volume
provide reference material which will prove useful not only for the
Government of the Republic of Macedonia in implementing the Strategy for
Roms in the Republic of Macedonia which the Expert Groups helped to
revise and the action plans adopted in the framework of the Decade of
Roma Inclusion, but also for other local, national, and international
actors seeking to develop activities aimed at increasing Roms' level of
integration into the society of Macedonia as a

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