MINELRES: ERRC: Anti-Romani Hate Speech in Russia
Mon Aug 14 12:02:04 2006
Original sender: European Roma Rights Centre <errc@errc.org>
ERRC Urges Russian Newspaper to Refrain from Inflammatory Anti-Romani
Anti-Romani hate speech contributes to the growing intolerance toward
On 10 August 2006, the ERRC sent a letter of concern to Mr Nikolay
Zaikov, Editor-in Chief of the Russian daily newspaper Vechernij
Novosibirsk, expressing concern with the rise of anti-Romani hate speech
published in the newspaper and with continuous identification of Roma
with illegal drug dealing and crime. The letter referred to numerous
articles published in the newspaper the ERRC has collected during the
past year, which explicitly link Roma with drug dealing and criminality
and which often quote officials making unsubstantiated comments about
the same with no contextual or editorial remarks. The ERRC urged Mr
Zaikov to take a firm stand against hate speech and to refrain from
publishing inflammatory anti-Romani language.
Further information on anti-Romani hate speech in Russia is available in
the ERRC country report "In Search of Happy Gypsies: Persecution of
Pariah Minorities in Russia":
Copies of the ERRC letter to Mr. Zaikov are available from the offices
of the ERRC.
Persons wishing to express similar concerns are urged to contact:
To: Mr Nikolay Zaikov,
Editor-in chief, newspaper "Vecherniy Novosibirsk"
Russia, Novosibirsk, Nemirovicha-Danchenko, 104
Tel./fax: +7 (383) 3141488
Mr Gennady Popriga
Director, Siberia region administration of Rosohrancultura
Russia, 630091, Novosibirsk, Krasniy prospect 82, kab. 45
Fax: +7 (3832)173911
The European Roma Rights Centre is an international public interest
law organisation which monitors the rights of Roma and provides legal
defence in cases of human rights abuse. For more information about
the European Roma Rights Centre, visit the ERRC on the web at
European Roma Rights Centre
1386 Budapest 62
P.O. Box 906/93
Phone: +36 1 4132200
Fax: +36 1 4132201
The European Roma Rights Centre is dependent upon the generosity of
individual donors for its continued existence. If you believe the
ERRC performs a service valuable to the public, please join in
enabling its future with a contribution. Gifts of all sizes are
welcome; bank transfers are preferred. Please send your contribution to:
European Roma Rights Centre
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