MINELRES: Mercator network launches a new website (www.mercator-central.org)

minelres@lists.microlink.lv minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Sat Apr 1 16:17:41 2006

Original sender: Mercator <secretaria@ciemen.org>

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to you on behalf of Mercator, a network of three research
and documentation centres set up in 1987 as an initiative of the
European Commission to meet the growing interest in the non-official
languages of the European Union, spoken in total by more than forty
million citizens. 

For nearly the last twenty years, the Mercator network has gathered and
generated information on minoritized, minority and regional languages
through its three centres, each of which has its own thematic programme
and specialist role: Mercator Education at the Fryske Akademy 
(Ljouwert, Friesland, Netherlands), studies education at all levels;
Mercator Legislation at the CIEMEN foundation (Barcelona, Catalonia,
Spain) is concerned with language legislation and language in public
administration, and Mercator Media at the University of Wales
(Aberystwyth, Wales, UK) deals with the press and the media.

We would like to inform you that the Mercator network has launched a new
website and it is now available for researchers, policy-makers,
teachers, students, journalists and public at large interested in having
recourse to a competent and qualified information source on minoritized,
minority and regional languages that is unique in Europe. We invite you
to visit us at www.mercator-central.org and to address any queries,
questions or suggestions you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Durk Gorter                Aureli Argemi               Ned Thomas
Mercator Education       Mercator Legislation        Mercator

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