MINELRES: Fwd: CfP: Multicultural Education in the CEE Region, NIS and Central Asia, Cluj, 25-26.11.2005
Fri Oct 14 08:30:02 2005
Original sender: Balkan Academic News <balkans@yahoogroups.com>
Call for Papers
Multicultural Education in the CEE Region, NIS and Central Asia
Cluj, 25-26 November, 2005
The workshop Multicultural Education in the CEE Region, NIS and Central
Asia, proposes to explore the topic of multicultural education, which is
one of the most sensitive aspects of multicultural policies. The
workshop will be hosted by Babes-Bolyai University, from Cluj - that is
one institution where the multicultural model has been applied
successfully for several years.
Proposed topics:
Multicultural Policies and Democratization of Educational Processes
Implementation of Multicultural Curricula in Universities
Promoting Identity and Recognition in University System
Gender and Ethnicity as Multicultural Issues
Models of Multicultural Education
Multicultural Education and Religion
Education, Migration and Trans-cultural Challenges
Language of the workshop:
Department of Systematic Philosophy, Faculty of History and Philosophy,
Babes-Bolyai University
SACRI, Cluj With the support of Open Society Foundation, Romania
Academics and researchers in multicultural education in the CEE region,
NIS and Central Asia; Representatives of NGOs active in the field of
pluralism and diversity; Politicians promoting multicultural agendas;
Mass media representatives
Prospective participants are asked to submit the following documents via
e-mail, by October 20th 2005 the latest. All documents are to be
submitted in English.
- a completed application form (the application form will soon be
available in a downloadable format on the conference website; for the
moment, send a blank message having as subject "Application form" to
- a recent CV or resume, including a list of publications, if any;
- a 300-words-abstract of the paper.
The e-mail address where the documents are to be sent is
Please include in the subject line of the message:
"application for workshop in Cluj"
A selection committee will evaluate the applications and will notify the
participants by October 25th 2005.
Interested participants are kindly asked to note that in the event of
being selected to participate in the conference, they will be asked to
submit the full paper in advance. Deadline for submitting the papers:
November 15th, 2004. The length of the paper should not exceed 4000
Important note:
The organizers have applied to different organizations in order to cover
the costs of the event. However, potential participants are encouraged
to seek for alternative funds (individual grants, institutional funds,
own contribution etc.). We are not able to cover the accommodation and
travel costs of participants coming from regions other than Central and
Eastern Europe, NIS and Central Asia. For selected participants coming
from countries other than Romania, the travel will be arranged by their
local Soros foundations.
For supplementary information, please contact the seminar coordinators:
Project Coordinator:
Assoc. Prof. Sandu Frunza, Babes-Bolyai University,
President of SACRI
Email: religiousstudiescluj@yahoo.com
Phone: + 4 0741 676936
Website: www.sacri.ro
Associate Professor Sandu Frunza, Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Systematic Philosophy
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
The Society for the Research of Religions and Ideologies
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies
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