MINELRES: CfA: ASN 2005 World Convention (Columbia U, 14-16 April 2005) Preliminary Program Online

MINELRES moderator [email protected]
Mon Feb 21 21:56:21 2005

Original sender: Dominique Arel <[email protected]>

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM NOW ON THE WEB (www.nationalities.org)

The  preliminary program of the ASN 2005 World Convention is now
available on the web site, at www.nationalities.org.  The program
features 97 panels, not yet including up to ten film screenings and
multimedia presentations to be announced later. As usual, the Convention
boasts the most international lineup of panelists, with more than half
of the 297 scholars who will be delivering papers (55 percent, from 42
countries) currently based outside of the United States.

***A preregistration form can be downloaded from the web site. For all
information regarding our Convention at Columbia University, please
contact our Executive Director Gordon N Bardos at [email protected],
212 854 8487***

The Convention will be hosting six special panels featuring new major
books by Michael Mann (The Dark Side of Democracy), Alfred Stepan, Juan
Linz and Yogendra Yadav ("Nation State" or "State Nation"), Anatol
Lieven (America Right or Wrong), David Crowe (Oskar Schindler), Kanchan
Chandra (Why Ethnic Parties Succeed?) and Dmitry Gorenburg (Minority
Ethnic Mobilization in the Russian Federation). Discussants on these
special panels include Mark Beissinger, Paul Brass, John Hall, Jack
Snyder, Istvan Deak and Doris Bergen. The Mann, Stepan, Lieven and
Chandra panels are among the offerings in the new section "Theories of
Nationalism," introduced in 2004.

In recognition of the epochal events of the last few months, the
Convention will feature an exceptionally large selection of Ukraine
panels (fourteen), several of which related to the Orange Revolution.
Special roundtables on the "First 100 Days of the Yushchenko
Administration" and "Is Ukraine in Europe or Eurasia?", including former
ambassadors, are in the works, as well as a multimedia presentation on
the Orange Revolution (to be scheduled and announced later).

Other special panels include "The Kurds and the Constitutional Future of
Iraq," an homage to David Johnson's Russia List, three panels on
Chechnya, an Harriman Institute-sponsored roundtable on Russian
Nationalism, a roundtable on "sham elections" in Central Asia, and a
panel on "The Roots of Ethnic Violence" in the Balkans.

As always, the Convention offers a strong lineup of panels in all
regions of the former Communist world and Eurasia: Russia, the Caucasus,
Central Asia/Turkey, Central Europe, the Balkans and, as mentioned
above, Ukraine. The Program Committee had to be more selective than ever
in devising the lineup. The Balkans, Central Europe and Central Eurasia
(Central Asia and Turkey combined) lead the pack with 15 panels each,
followed by Ukraine (14), Russia, excluding the North Caucasus (12),
Nationalism 12, and the Caucasus (North and South) 6. Eight panels
appear in the "Thematic" section.

The Convention Film Lineup will be announced later.

LOCATION. The convention will be taking place in the International
Affairs Building (IAB) of Columbia University, 420 W. 118th St. (metro
station: 116th St., on the Red Line). Registration will be on the 15th
Floor of IAB and the panels will be held on several floors.

REGISTRATION. $50 for ASN Members, $70 for Non-Members, and $35 for
Students. Preregistration payments are non-refundable. A registration
form can be downloaded from the ASN  web site
(http://www.nationalities.org/) or requested from Jamie Kosmar
([email protected]). People who plan to attend the convention are
strongly encouraged to pre-register, since places are limited.

SCHEDULE. Registration will begin at 11 AM, Thursday April 14, on the
15th Floor of IAB. People who sent preregistered will need to pick up
their name tag and the convention program. On the Thursday, the panels
will run from 1 PM-7.30 PM. On Friday and Saturday, from 9 AM to 7 PM
PM. The convention will end on the Saturday evening, April 16.

ACCOMMODATION. The convention does not have arrangements with a
particular hotel. A list of nearby hotels can be found at

ASN MEMBERSHIP. People can now directly join a fast growing ASN on the
convention pre-registration form. In addition to getting a significant
discount at the ASN convention, ASN members receive annually four
issues of Nationalities Papers, the field's leading journal. An annual
membership costs a remarkably low $60 annually-$35 for students.

BONUS FOR ASN MEMBERS. ASN members have also the option of subscribing
to Europe-Asia Studies (formerly Soviet Studies), which publishes
eight issues a year, for $60, almost a hundred dollars less than the
regular subscription price. Convention panelists can take advantage of
this offer directly on the convention registration form.

BOOK EXHIBIT/SALE OF PAPERS. Publishers will exhibit their wares in
the exhibit room, located in the spacious Dag Room on the 6th floor.
Convention papers will also go on sale for $1 apiece. At least 20
copies of each paper will go on sale in the book exhibit on Friday,
April 15, at 11.15 AM.

We very much look forward to seeing in April at the Convention!

Dominique Arel ([email protected]), ASN President
Gordon N Bardos, Director
Troy McGrath, Program Chair
on behalf of the ASN Convention Program Committee