MINELRES: E-NEWS: European-wide Action Week against Racism; Media Release
MINELRES moderator
Thu Mar 18 18:41:02 2004
Original sender: UNITED <info@unitedagainstracism.org>
E-NEWS UNITED 17/03/04: MEDIA RELEASE European-wide Action Week against
20 - 28 March 2004: European-wide Action Week Against Racism
"Racism: Spot it and Stop it!"
Europe stands up against racism: activities in 40 European countries
"We're full of prejudice. We don't judge people by their deeds, but
through the lens of our prejudice" said Ladislav Durkovic of the
Slovakian NGO 'People Against Racism'.
From 20 to 28 March 2004, various non-governmental-organisations in
more than 40 different European countries will raise their common
voice against one common European problem: racism.
21 March was declared 'International Day for the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination' by the General Assembly of the UN as
a reaction to the murder of 70 demonstrators in Sharpeville,
South-Africa, in 1960.
Also in 21st century Europe, racism still keeps on affecting people's
minds, thoughts and deeds. This year NGOs in countries such as
Azerbaijan, Cyprus, France and Ireland concentrate on anti-racist
education and big nation-wide campaigns with hundreds of different
events are launched in Finland and Germany.
Racism: Spot it and Stop it!
A few months before the European Union enlarges eastwards, the
general public all over Europe is alerted about the situation of the
Roma minority in Slovakia. Racism, discrimination and stigmatization
have led to a social uprising, despair and violence. But the
situation of minorities and migrants is frightening not only in
Slovakia, all over the continent, a dark shadow called racism is
laying over our societies, sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden. This
"hidden", silent racism is not less dangerous: it leads consequently
to violence and "open' discrimination. The European-wide Action Week
Against Racism 2004 aims to Spot this European-wide problem in order
to Stop it.
Additional Information:
UNITED for Intercultural Action is a network of 560 organisations all
over Europe working against racism and fascism. Activities at the
local level in the framework of the campaign around 21 March are
carried out by organisations from 40 European countries. The campaign
is co-ordinated by the UNITED International Secretariat. A full list
of activities is accessible on http://www.unitedagainstracism.org
(under 'campaigns'/ 21 march). Please contact the UNITED office for
further information. We will be happy to supply you with contact
information of an organisation near you that is involved in the
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European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support
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