MINELRES: E-NEWS: links to UN and EU reports

MINELRES moderator minelres@lists.delfi.lv
Sat Feb 14 09:28:41 2004

Original sender: UNITED <info@unitedagainstracism.org>

UNITED E-NEWS 08/02/04

***European Union Member States' legislation***

Race Equality Directive: State of Play

you will find short reports on the current state of play in each 
Member State on the implementation of the race equality Directive 
into national law. These reports were prepared in October 2003 by the 
independent experts group in race and religious discrimination.

*** United Nations - World Conference Against Racism Follow Up***

Working Group on the effective implementation of the Durban 
Declaration and Programme of Action
-Unedited recommendations of the Regional Expert Seminar for Western 
European States (Brussels, 10-12 Dec 2003)
-Recommendations of the Eastern Europe Regional Expert Seminar 
(Prague, 24 -26 Sept 2003)

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